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[Feb 9,2010 10:48am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
... Came out today.

Aww geez, there goes my entire day off.

I had it preordered on steam, I've been up since 8 playing. Fairly awesome. If you like the first one, get it. The controls have switched up a bit, still not sure if I like it as much. The storyline is interesting, but a bit confusing so far.

Big Sisters are interesting, it's like what a big daddy fight should be, long and tough.

[Feb 9,2010 10:51am - reimroc ""]
i need to pick this game up asap. i played and beat the first one on xbox twice.
[Feb 9,2010 10:53am - arktouros ""]
had the first one, xbox died, left the game in the xbox when i exchanged it. homer moment.

have it on PC though, good game. first one, i mean. will play 2 eventually...
[Feb 9,2010 11:05am - arilliusbm ""]
only system shock 1 and 2 is real.
[Feb 9,2010 11:10am - C.DeAd  ""]
Really need to play this. Though with Red Dead Redemption in April, Deadly Premonitions and AVP this month, I probably won't get around to this until it's $20-$30. PS2 games being dirt cheap doesn't help. NEO-GEO collection for $10 = the shit.
[Feb 9,2010 11:16am - iamnotkennyg ""]
idk what to get first, this or dantes inferno!!!
[Feb 9,2010 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
makes me want to buy the first used and play it. I played the demo and it was ok. didn't get into it enough.
[Feb 9,2010 11:19am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I gotta say, the drill is a mild letdown. However, firing a RIVET gun is every bit as thrilling as you'd think it would be.
[Feb 9,2010 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
interested in playing this as well.
But rev, play system shock before bio shock or you're a video game poser
[Feb 9,2010 11:23am - arilliusbm ""]
There's another avp game coming out?
Will it be anything like the 2000 title? Underrated game.
[Feb 9,2010 11:26am - Pires ""]

iamnotkennyg said:idk what to get first, this or dantes inferno!!!

I read some mediocre reviews on dantes inferno. there was a lot of hype going into the game. hopefully it still delivers.
[Feb 9,2010 11:26am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck I need to pick this up but I'm so behind. I still have to finish replaying Modern Warfare 2, finish GTA4, and buy Wolfenstein.
[Feb 9,2010 11:28am - C.DeAd  ""]

arilliusbm said:There's another avp game coming out?
Will it be anything like the 2000 title? Underrated game.

It's made by the same guys from Rebellion and looks outstanding.
[Feb 9,2010 12:28pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck I need to pick this up but I'm so behind. I still have to finish replaying Modern Warfare 2, finish GTA4, and buy Wolfenstein.

I'm in the middle of Dragon's Age, Borderlands, Prototype, and still haven't touched the expansions I got for Fallout 3. Add to that that I haven't played L4D2 in like a week.....

Who has time for music?
[Feb 9,2010 12:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't. Or video games apparently :(
Fuck work.
[Feb 9,2010 12:43pm - oscarct ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck I need to pick this up but I'm so behind. I still have to finish replaying Modern Warfare 2, finish GTA4, and buy Wolfenstein.

I'm in the middle of Dragon's Age, Borderlands, Prototype, and still haven't touched the expansions I got for Fallout 3. Add to that that I haven't played L4D2 in like a week.....

Who has time for music?

I could not get into prototype.. Does it get better further in? I only played for a hour or so and was not impressed by anything
[Feb 9,2010 12:58pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Got to level 33 in Borderlands and beat it. That's enough of that game for me.
[Feb 9,2010 1:00pm - timma@work  ""]
Cannot WAIT to buy this game. Loved the first one, and pumped this is a multiplayer component (thought I hear it's not super strong).
[Feb 9,2010 1:09pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

oscarct said:

I could not get into prototype.. Does it get better further in? I only played for a hour or so and was not impressed by anything

Nah, it's pretty meh throughout.
[Feb 9,2010 1:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
Did anyone get into The Force Unleashed, Ninja Gaiden or Fable 2 for xbox?
[Feb 9,2010 1:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My girlfriend has Force Unleashed for PS3. I just tried to play it last week. I got bored a little ways into it. Kind of repetitive. Plus no mouse = fail.


I did give it a shot though, I wanted to see Vader fuck people up and was nerdily interested in the story.
[Feb 9,2010 1:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
PS: Aril, where did you get that Black Mesa sticker on your tacklebox full of underage porn at the space? I want it!
[Feb 9,2010 1:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hahaha. I stumbled upon that at cafepress or whatever that site is. I was looking for the lambda (HL) symbol but thought that was better. +60 points for noticing that!
[Feb 9,2010 1:31pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
MSD's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw that. I think he got jizz in my eye too. Jerk.
[Feb 9,2010 1:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hahaha. Same thing happened to me when I got it in the mail. I will be ordering a tank one soon.
[Feb 9,2010 1:37pm - martins ""]
Been playing Demon's Souls slowly at my buddy's place. Game RULES.
[Feb 9,2010 1:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Feb 9,2010 3:08pm - blessed offal  ""]
knights of the old republic 2 or GTFO
[Feb 9,2010 3:18pm - arktouros ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:PS: Aril, where did you get that Black Mesa sticker on your tacklebox full of underage porn at the space? I want it!

yeah, i want that.
[Feb 9,2010 3:28pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:Fable 2 for xbox?

Fable 2 was fun at first but it really didn't go anywhere. the ending was lame, and when i'm a very high level demon swinging a massive warhammer the last thing i want to do is fight beetles and chop wood. the thing that pissed me off the most was after going through the 8 level Crucible the weapon i won was weaker than the one i was wielding. also the Temple of Shadows was a cool idea, but the amount of points you have to gain from sacrifice was retarded. you could earn more points by sacrificing your wife, but it was so obnoxious winning a woman over. overall it had cool ideas but it moved way too slow.
[Feb 17,2010 8:04pm - oscarct ""]
bioshock 2 was fun
[Feb 18,2010 12:16am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Don't get me started, this game fucked me.

I'm like 80% or more through. I thought, "gee! I wanna try multi-player". Multiplayer forced me to convert my Games For Windows Live account into an online one, which then rendered the fucking game COMPLETELY unable to read my save games. Posted to tech support, and there's nothing I can do.

[Feb 18,2010 7:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Windows Live fucked me for GTA4. I was like half way through and backed up like every fucking folder known to man on my c:\ drive (despite pointing ALL my game installations over to a folder on my d:\ drive). Well silly me, I didn't know that all my game saves would go into something like c:\documents and settings\administrator\local settings\application data\microsoft\windows live\super secret folder lol on you you're not going to backup this folder\game saves\start your whole game over\fuck you in the ass\

I was fucking livid.
[Feb 18,2010 7:36am - timma ""]
I'm still slowly playing through this game, but I'm enjoying it. For some reason I'm not as driven to blast through it (like MW2 or GTA4), but the first BioShock was the same way for me.

I think overall the game is great--they didn't change the formula much, but I don't see much of an issue with that. The storyline is sweet, and playing as a Big Daddy just rules all around. The multiplayer is a nice addition, but definitely not deep enough give the impression of a standalone game mode. It's cool to basically play BioShock, without having to get wrapped up in the storyline for hours.

I give it two bums up. :shocker: :shocker:
[Aug 1,2010 5:13pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Finally playing this.
[Aug 1,2010 5:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm 20% through #1.
[Aug 1,2010 5:52pm - oscarct ""]
part 1 is better
[Aug 26,2010 8:43am - aaron_michael ""]
I got into these games way too late. I'm working on Bioshock 1 and loving it.
[Aug 26,2010 9:08am - the_reverend ""]
I put #1 down to play red dead redemption... but haven't been playing red dead enough. that is what the winter is for anyhow.
[Aug 26,2010 9:11am - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:only system shock 1 and 2 is real.
[Jan 26,2011 1:10pm - aaron_michael ""]

holy holy shit.
[Jan 26,2011 4:30pm - zurdo  ""]
I've never played it, and looks awesome. It will be my next game. Just finished arkham asylum and I was told dantes inferno was good too.
[Nov 3,2012 11:40am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 3,2012 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
Wait, he is married?
[Nov 3,2012 12:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Only a married man could sustain such self-mutilation, amirite
[Nov 3,2012 1:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I need to beat 1 first still.
[Nov 3,2012 1:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I liked the first one I guess. I think it was one of the first games I didn't RE-play. I tried to start the second one but I just wasn't into it.
[Nov 3,2012 2:22pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
First game was probably one of the best games I've ever played. And it was definitely one of the most unique games and storylines I've seen. Between good gameplay and a cool twisted story and ending, it was a GREAT game.

Second game sucked donkey balls, was too short, and was clearly a forced and shitty attempt to cash in on the success of the first game. Story wasn't even fractionally as good. Characters sucked. Plot sucked. It felt like the whole thing should have been a $10 expansion to Bioshock 1, not a sequel.

So when Infinite drops, I'll be waiting a bit before I try it to see reviews and reactions. Fool me once...

[Nov 3,2012 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:only system shock 1 and 2 is real.
[Nov 3,2012 3:25pm - trioxin245 ""]
Bioshock wa awesome. The opening scene was one of the best things Ive ever seen in a video game. Must play part 2.
[Nov 4,2012 10:11am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Arrow%20NLI said:First game was probably one of the best games I've ever played. And it was definitely one of the most unique games and storylines I've seen. Between good gameplay and a cool twisted story and ending, it was a GREAT game.

Second game sucked donkey balls, was too short, and was clearly a forced and shitty attempt to cash in on the success of the first game. Story wasn't even fractionally as good. Characters sucked. Plot sucked. It felt like the whole thing should have been a $10 expansion to Bioshock 1, not a sequel.

So when Infinite drops, I'll be waiting a bit before I try it to see reviews and reactions. Fool me once...

Ahh that makes me feel better. I just hope I'm not lost when playing Infinite because I didn't play the second one.

And I just looked it up. Comes out February 23 I guess. I thought it was already out for some reason heh
[Dec 23,2014 8:20pm - the_reverend ""]
$10.19 for the triple pack on steam

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