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Jan 29 (Fri) - Behemoth, Devildriver, Suffocation, Lightning Swords Of Death, Goatwhore, Thy Will Be Done, Septicflesh, Scalpel, Acaro - the Palladium (Worcester, MA)


the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [behemoth][devildriver][goatwhore][lightning_swords_of_death][randomshots][seize_today][septic_flesh][suffocation][thy_will_be_done]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jan 29,2010 4:19pm - the_reverend ""]
Some other bands too. I think.
[Jan 29,2010 4:23pm - Lamp ""]
Hahaha, Lightning Swords of Death? That's a band name?
[Jan 29,2010 5:56pm - Demon Slices  ""]
11 bands according to the Getlaidium's site. Crikey!

Anyone have the set times by any chance so I know when it's safe to get there?
[Jan 29,2010 6:56pm - the_reverend ""]
either septic flesh or lighting swords of death is setting up up stairs right now. i believe it is septic flesh.

goatwhore is playing downstairs right now.
[Jan 29,2010 6:57pm - the_reverend ""]
im pissed i missed scalpel. they went on early and ended earlier.
[Jan 29,2010 7:28pm - Demon Slices  ""]
Wait, so they're doing 2 stages? FUCK....I better get my ass on the road! Any idea when Suffocation is on?!
[Jan 29,2010 7:28pm - adderall monkey  ""]
[Jan 29,2010 7:28pm - beelze ""]
Agreed 100%
[Jan 29,2010 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]
lightning swords of death were the highlight of the night. even more than septic flesh. darkwor needs to play a show wth LSoD
[Jan 29,2010 9:40pm - the_reverend ""]
behemoth sound really really good. it's like a really loud CD playing. they also played something of satanica. one weird thing is that there are bunch of shirts being thrown on stage and girls crowd surfing in bras. probably the worst idea i have ever heard in my life. really anyone crowd surfing to a blackmetal band should probably get raped on stage. just saying it's probably with songs about sodomy, satan, and arch angels, raping crowd surfers could be right in alignment with the average bm band.
[Jan 30,2010 12:48am - the_reverend ""]
home, working on pictures.
[Jan 30,2010 12:54am - the_reverend ""]
somehow devildriver dude pulled a rob zombie
[Jan 30,2010 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
I took like 3K shots. deleting most.
[Jan 30,2010 2:00am - beelze ""]

the_reverend said:somehow devildriver dude pulled a rob zombie

You mean Coal Chamber dude?

[Jan 30,2010 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 30,2010 2:10am - beelze ""]
I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding
[Jan 30,2010 2:12am - KeithMutiny ""]
wish i knew suffocation was playing earlier than 10pm this evening
[Jan 30,2010 2:20am - the_reverend ""]
it happens.

and there are a lot of Dez stories that I've heard which I don't care for.
[Jan 30,2010 10:37am - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
did acaro play this?
[Jan 30,2010 12:10pm - devilman ""]
[Jan 30,2010 12:25pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I wish I had realized they had the both-floors setup going on. I got there at 7:30 thinking I'd have only missed a couple bands. Instead I missed Goatwhore and found out I'd have to miss Suffocation to catch Septic Flesh. Which was something my friend wasn't willing to do.

At least Suffocation and Behemoth were good. And I didn't have to sit through Devildriver.
[Jan 30,2010 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]
i missed acaro cause they played before the show was listed to start and then i missed scalpel cuase they started 5minutes early and ended 10 minutes early. oh well.
[Jan 30,2010 1:04pm - Pires ""]

beelze said:I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding

cool story faggot
[Jan 31,2010 2:24pm - stephen d ouellette  ""]
great show it was cool to see the rev and the undying boys.Im psyched the drapeau and thy will be done are doing so well.cant wait to drink with those fuckers again.
[Jan 31,2010 2:26pm - beelze ""]

Pires said:
beelze said:I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding

cool story faggot

Don't be jealous faggot.
[Jan 31,2010 2:31pm - Kevord ""]

beelze said:I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding

You're 22, when was back in the day last year?
[Jan 31,2010 2:32pm - beelze ""]
6 years ago
[Jan 31,2010 2:35pm - dreadkill ""]
this guy can't call anyone a faggot if he hung out with dez frafagfrafag. if he smoked anything with dez, it was probably a cock not a joint.
[Jan 31,2010 2:36pm - dreadkill ""]
hanging out with dez revokes all black metal k00l kvlt points.
[Jan 31,2010 2:37pm - beelze ""]

dreadkill said:hanging out with dez revokes all black metal k00l kvlt points.

post by BlackMetalLady at Dec 11,2006 5:05pm
You're a real scumbag.
[Jan 31,2010 2:37pm - beelze ""]
You alright in your pic man? You look like you suffer from some sort of physical ailment...
[Jan 31,2010 2:40pm - dreadkill ""]
i was joking around in that pic, something you'd know nothing about because you're too grim and misanthropic to have a sense of humor.
[Jan 31,2010 2:40pm - beelze ""]
Sure ya were...
[Jan 31,2010 2:41pm - dreadkill ""]
sick burn
[Jan 31,2010 2:42pm - beelze ""]
I am very proud of being grim and misanthropic, what ya gana do bout that faggot!?!?!?!?!?
[Jan 31,2010 2:44pm - dreadkill ""]
what am i going to do about it? laugh about your teenage black metal attitude and how riled up you get about people goofing around with you on the internet.
[Jan 31,2010 2:44pm - Kevord ""]
If you were truly a misanthrope wouldn't you avoid the internet.
[Jan 31,2010 2:45pm - dreadkill ""]
he's trying to infiltrate society and destroy it at its core
[Jan 31,2010 2:47pm - Kevord ""]
Black Metal isolation is all about message board trolling.
[Jan 31,2010 2:47pm - beelze ""]
I need to keep updated on all the sick trOO bm so I can collect kvlt points faggot...and yes society will be destroyed by my hatred and disgust towards the human race
[Jan 31,2010 2:49pm - ancient master  ""]
what a fucking riot
[Jan 31,2010 2:50pm - dreadkill ""]

Kevord said:Black Metal isolation is all about message board trolling.
as long as he has wifi in his cavernous catacomb of torture and ichor, he's still tr00
[Jan 31,2010 2:51pm - beelze ""]
LMFAO that I do my man that I do
[Jan 31,2010 4:59pm - Pires ""]

beelze said:
Pires said:
beelze said:I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding

cool story faggot

Don't be jealous faggot.

yeah I'm really jealous of numetal worship. you probably were all "dude, I just smoked with dez! That was so cool!" weren't you faggot? and now with the advent of myspace, you're so tr00 and kvlt. Do us all a favor. You say you hate the human race and you stab necks and blah blah blah. Fucking kill yourself, you pussy. Do it. U won't. That way no one has to deal with your backwards hats, your beherit shirts and your campfire acoustic-electric guitar anymore.
[Jan 31,2010 5:05pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... Ive missed so much on this board. as we all know, the black metal isolationist thing to do is get an iPhone and trolling.
[Jan 31,2010 5:23pm - beelze ""]

Pires said:
beelze said:
Pires said:
beelze said:I smoked a joint with that guy back in the day no lie...he said when he gets older he wants to start a "Satanic Blues Band". Not even kidding

cool story faggot

Don't be jealous faggot.

yeah I'm really jealous of numetal worship. you probably were all "dude, I just smoked with dez! That was so cool!" weren't you faggot? and now with the advent of myspace, you're so tr00 and kvlt. Do us all a favor. You say you hate the human race and you stab necks and blah blah blah. Fucking kill yourself, you pussy. Do it. U won't. That way no one has to deal with your backwards hats, your beherit shirts and your campfire acoustic-electric guitar anymore.

U mad bro?
[Feb 1,2010 1:42pm - Demon Slices  ""]
Behemoth were SO fuckin' good. Easily one of the best sets I've seen in a couple years. Sound, lighting, set list....everything.

However, the whole "let's have 11 bands play this and open it up to 2 stages so that the order/set times are all messed up" thing was bullshit. Was that REALLY fucking necessary? Got there at 8:30 expecting to to have made it in PLENTY of time to catch Suffocation...boy was I wrong. Absolute bullshit.

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