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ATTN: Brian_DC

[Jan 29,2010 12:54pm - beelze ""]
[Jan 29,2010 12:57pm - brian_dc ""]
well said
[Jan 29,2010 12:58pm - beelze ""]
"six-piece metal band with FAGCORE roots"
[Jan 29,2010 1:00pm - brian_dc ""]
well that was relevant a few years ago
[Jan 29,2010 1:01pm - beelze ""]
alright erase the rest of that and just keep FAG
[Jan 29,2010 1:02pm - brian_dc ""]
okey doke, let me know when my prize for being the 10 billionth person to be called gay on the internet arrives.
[Jan 29,2010 1:06pm - beelze ""]
dense faggot
[Jan 29,2010 1:06pm - brian_dc ""]
and in the meantime, lol @ this being you:

[Jan 29,2010 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
dude, really, are you 15 or something? at least be creative when attempting to insult someone.
[Jan 29,2010 1:09pm - brian_dc ""]

[Jan 29,2010 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
girls who run
[Jan 29,2010 1:12pm - martins ""]
Wait, Beelze is a real person? Thought he/she/it was a troll.
[Jan 29,2010 1:21pm - brian_dc ""]
Yeah, he's pissed at me because he tried pulling nonsense like this on lambgoat. So, I linked his myspace page (see his profile here) to get everyone on there to do whatever it is they do with that. I guess there are a few people who want to fuck his sister there now.

Oh well.
[Jan 29,2010 1:22pm - Doomkid ""]

Beelze is a bitch who didn't know what he was getting into when he signed up for RTTP.

Thanks for mention Lambgoat Brian, just loled at "Beelze in all his glory". This guy sucks.
[Jan 29,2010 1:27pm - brian_dc ""]
haha... I didn't realize that someone found his phone number somewhere on myspace.

[Jan 29,2010 1:28pm - immortal13 ""]
Basketball ist Krieg
[Jan 29,2010 1:33pm - beelze ""]
So glad i'm exposed...
[Jan 29,2010 1:38pm - Doomkid ""]
No-one to blame but yourself fucko.
[Jan 29,2010 1:39pm - beelze ""]
You act like I give a shit
[Jan 29,2010 1:40pm - Doomkid ""]
I wouldn't imagine you give a shit since you're a misanthropic pussy.
[Jan 29,2010 1:41pm - beelze ""]
God I'd love to fucking slice through your juggular Doom, you're a fucking faggot...go find yourself some girl pants what are you even doing in this thread? Go back to your true calling of epic faggotry and unending gayness
[Jan 29,2010 1:45pm - beelze ""]
Misanthropic yes, pussy no...you'll find out after your eyes are pryed from the depths of your faggot skull
[Jan 29,2010 1:45pm - Doomkid ""]
Dude, I suck cock and you're still 1000x more of a fag than I am. Also, murderous threats on the internet make you tuff.
[Jan 29,2010 1:46pm - beelze ""]
Meet me face to face with how you're talking to me and see what happens.
[Jan 29,2010 1:47pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jan 29,2010 1:47pm - Doomkid ""]
If you're taking this seriously enough that you actually want to do harm to me in real life then I pity your pathetic existence.
[Jan 29,2010 1:47pm - beelze ""]
[Jan 29,2010 1:50pm - beelze ""]

Doomkid said:Dude, I suck cock
[Jan 29,2010 1:53pm - immortal13 ""]

Doomkid said:If you're taking this seriously enough that you actually want to do harm to me in real life then I pity your pathetic existence.
[Jan 29,2010 1:53pm - Doomkid ""]
Beelze, that is not a revelation to anyone but you.
[Jan 29,2010 1:53pm - beelze ""]
So serious...I am fucking livid...do you want to die now?
[Jan 29,2010 1:55pm - beelze ""]


[Jan 29,2010 1:58pm - Doomkid ""]
I think this is a more appropriate ending:

[Jan 29,2010 2:01pm - immortal13 ""]
I don't want this thread to end yet. I love when people get so distraught over tiny internet disagreements that mean the end of someone's world. Keep it going!
[Jan 29,2010 3:19pm - Yeti ""]

[Jan 29,2010 3:25pm - c.DeAD  ""]
[Jan 29,2010 3:33pm - Slymo ""]
you don't say when this thread ends ya turdbath.
[Jan 29,2010 3:36pm - Slymo ""]
brian can i have the link to this kids page?
[Jan 29,2010 3:39pm - brian_dc ""]
silly kid has it right in his profile

[Jan 29,2010 4:03pm - Slymo ""]
its a pretty cool page...
[Jan 29,2010 4:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread brings the lulz.
[Jan 29,2010 5:00pm - RustyPS ""]

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