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Television purchasing advice!

[Jan 25,2010 11:36am - aaron_michael ""]
So, I'm looking to buy my first flat panel HDTV at 720p or 1080p.
Anyone who owns one have any advice on brands, models, etc?

I'm reading a lot of reviews about TVs shitting the bed after a year, or they don't run up to specification.

Are you happy with yours?
[Jan 25,2010 12:11pm - ZenErik ""]
read reviews. i honestly don't know much about hdtv.

i use a 24" computer monitor to play games and watch dvd/br movies on my ps3. more bang for your buck with monitors, higher resolution on a smaller screen, and less input lag. you could still connect an hd box for tv as well...
[Jan 25,2010 12:14pm - jim @uml  ""]
aaron how much money you want to spend?
try going with 1080p if you can afford it.
if you want to be a tech nerd try watching this show HD Nation on revision 3 they review all sorts of TV's I have a 1080p 40" Samsung that is pretty good
[Jan 25,2010 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 25,2010 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
carina has a 52" samsung that was around $1200. it is better than life.
[Jan 25,2010 2:10pm - brodown ""]
I just bought a 25.5" HDTV/Monitor from Samsung for $320. Its pretty fucking sweet. You can come look at it after practice Tuesday.
[Jan 25,2010 2:30pm - the_reverend ""]
Michael Scott: I finally broke down and bought myself a plasma tv. [camera pans out to show tiny screen attached to wall] Check it out. I actually hung this, on the wall, myself. Let me show you something: A lot of people in the room, you need more space [pushes the tv back an inch against the wall] Voila. Right into the wall.
Jim Halpert: Wow. [Jim and Pam nod at each other]
Michael Scott: Sometimes I will just stand here and watch television for hours. I love it. I love this tv!
[Jan 25,2010 2:34pm - Sacreligion ""]
Michael Scott's St. Pauli Girl Neon > His Plasma TV
[Jan 25,2010 8:25pm - gslice  ""]
I just bought my girlfriend a Samsung 32" LCD, all of the research I did and everyone I spoke to was essentially jizzing all over themselves for Samsung. My propensity towards listening to jizzing people and the fact that the Samsung's picture quality at 720 was better than most of the others in the store made up my mind. I'd suggest just going to stores and staring like a creep for an hour or two, then go online and buy whatever you like for way cheaper.
[Jan 25,2010 8:46pm - the_reverend ""]
samsung and sony use the same parts.
[Jan 25,2010 8:54pm - gslice  ""]
your face uses the same parts.

...as your ass.
[Jan 25,2010 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
same DNA
[Jan 26,2010 5:10pm - BlackoutRick ""]
They are having awesome sales lately. Wait till Sunday and check the flyers for Best Buy or Sears and go then. Sony, LG, Samsung, and Panasonic are the brands to get. I recommend LCD.

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