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Anal is the new oral

[Jan 23,2010 4:09am - the_reverend ""]

doesn't anyone have a mint?
[Jan 23,2010 4:36am - SkinSandwich ""]
Why are you up as early as me?
[Jan 23,2010 5:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 23,2010 3:11pm - pam ""]

[Jan 23,2010 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]

SkinSandwich said:Why are you up as early as me?
idk why I was up. I think I fell asleep on my floor again. then surfed a bit before falling back into death.
[Jan 23,2010 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
"For most of my friends, it's sort of a domination thing," says John (not his real name), 30, a writer in New York. "[It's] basically getting someone in a position where they're most vulnerable. My friends enjoy that and they tell their friends they did it. But it's not like girls are ready for it—it's something they do when they're really drunk."
this guys friends are fags. IT'S ABOUT FUCKING AND CUMMING IN SOMEONE'S ASS. and then maybe cumming in their mouth.
[Jan 23,2010 3:19pm - pam ""]
[Jan 23,2010 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 23,2010 3:45pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Jan 23,2010 6:47pm - xmikex ""]
No carez @ symbolic domination. Blowjobz ftw.
[Jan 23,2010 7:06pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
"Phillip, an engineer in Chicago, says he and his friends request a ride in the back seat because it's a harder-to-reach goal than old-fashioned intercourse. "Once a guy has anal sex, he's put on a pedestal by his peers," he says."

I had a girlfriend in college who only took it in the ass because "it doesn't count" I didn't like it because she never let me use lube and I felt I was being short-changed because I wanted some pussy. But my friends definitely did put me on a pedestal. One friend of mine, who's fucked a ton of girls was jealous of me to the point of getting angry...especially when I told him I didn't really enjoy it.
[Jan 23,2010 7:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Didn't really enjoy it? I bet you don't like butter on your popcorn, either.
[Jan 23,2010 7:13pm - the_reverend ""]
christ.. no lube? unless you used spit or her pussy was weepy, thatslike driving a car with out a windshield..... INTO SOMEONES ASS.
[Jan 23,2010 7:17pm - xmikex ""]

If the girl wouldn't let you use any lube:
A. She's a retard and deserved what I'm sure was a miserably painful experience.
B. You did get short changed.
[Jan 23,2010 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
that picture should say
"lube: when thinking about george cluney doesnt work"
make it one of those posters in a poster dealies. thnx.
[Jan 23,2010 8:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]
C. Bitch is a glutton for punishment and I hope you were man enough to brandish a heavy strip of leather.
[Jan 23,2010 10:25pm - MassOfTwoSlits ""]

aterribleguitarist said:"Phillip, an engineer in Chicago, says he and his friends request a ride in the back seat because it's a harder-to-reach goal than old-fashioned intercourse. "Once a guy has anal sex, he's put on a pedestal by his peers," he says."

I had a girlfriend in college who only took it in the ass because "it doesn't count" I didn't like it because she never let me use lube and I felt I was being short-changed because I wanted some pussy. But my friends definitely did put me on a pedestal. One friend of mine, who's fucked a ton of girls was jealous of me to the point of getting angry...especially when I told him I didn't really enjoy it.

Your girlfriend was a man.
[Jan 23,2010 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
for girls that dont have 2 slits, it gives them front and back 'giners.
[Jan 23,2010 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
anal cunt.
[Jan 23,2010 11:00pm - No Bah Dee  ""]
[Jan 23,2010 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
i think vaganus is better.
[Jan 23,2010 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 24,2010 3:32am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 24,2010 1:01pm - Ass Hole  ""]

xmikex said:[img]

If the girl wouldn't let you use any lube:
A. She's a retard and deserved what I'm sure was a miserably painful experience.
B. You did get short changed.

I wouldn't fuck this girl's ass hole. She seems too clueless to not have AIDS, hep, chlamydia, herpes, blood-borne nematodes, etc.
[Jan 24,2010 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
maybe that's what that guy meant when he said "be careful and dont say i nematode ya so."
[Jan 24,2010 2:40pm - reimroc ""]
[Jan 24,2010 2:52pm - revnon  ""]
"penis goes where?"
[Jan 24,2010 9:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
urethral intercourse or a pussy is you
[Jan 25,2010 6:36am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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