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this year's Scion Rock Fest

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jan 21,2010 10:18pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jan 21,2010 10:27pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Wow, that's not too shabby. YOB, ABSU, CC, VOIVOD, HATE ETERNAL.... not too shabby at all.
[Jan 21,2010 10:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
DRI + Trap Them + Brutal Truth + VOIVOD = Win
[Jan 21,2010 10:30pm - Pires ""]
This is always good, just always a little too far.
[Jan 21,2010 10:31pm - RustyPS ""]
wasn't it in FL last year?
[Jan 21,2010 10:37pm - CMTAIB ""]
we were offered but we only play for mercadez Benz
[Jan 21,2010 10:41pm - Murph ""]
Shrinebuilder + Thou + Absu = goddamn shit I wanna SEE
[Jan 21,2010 10:48pm - Archaeon ""]
I think it was in GA
[Jan 21,2010 11:08pm - alexc ""]
[Jan 22,2010 10:19am - Lamp ""]
Looks way better than last year already but I'd rather go to MDF any day.
[Jan 22,2010 10:20am - boblovesmusic ""]

alexc said:acrassicauda!
[Jan 22,2010 11:36am - The_Rooster ""]
Ohio ain't too bad a drive from upstate NY. Might have to do this.

Also, jesus fuck! why haven't I heard this YOB band sooner... good lord this shit is heavy as fucking balls!

RustyPS said:wasn't it in FL last year?

[Jan 22,2010 11:43am - goatcatalyst ""]
fucking Liturgy.
[Jan 22,2010 11:51am - The_Rooster ""]

goatcatalyst said:fucking Liturgy.

I know. That's making me really want to go. One of my new favorites, and one of the best live bands I've seen in forever.
[Jan 22,2010 1:10pm - aaron_michael ""]
Liturgy? Who'd they get to replace Matti?
[Jan 22,2010 3:09pm - deathchick ""]
Matti is probably doing it since he quit Pathology

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