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Looking to form/join a Black Metal band in the Hartford/Springfield region

[Jan 19,2010 5:31pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
I am a guitarist who has been playing for 13 years now and I am looking to start/join a Black Metal band. I have transportation and professional equipment. I am 26 and have been in a number of bands so experience I do have. Influences are Emperor/Dark Funeral/Watain/1349 and other associated acts.

As far as members and instruments are concerned all are welcome: additional Guitarist (preferably someone who has a 7 string, as i am looking to tune to B standard), Keys, Vocals, Bass, Drums....so basically the whole shabang if you will.

serious inquires only....thanks

[Jan 19,2010 5:32pm - beelze ""]
Right here man, I'm in Belchertown...i'm down to write some vocals
[Jan 19,2010 5:35pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
cool, you can contact me on myspace.com/jarjarhead or aim: RequiemDead
[Jan 19,2010 5:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
7 string? pffffft
[Jan 19,2010 6:06pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
there is nothing wrong with a 7 string thank you very much
[Jan 19,2010 6:08pm - beelze ""]

TrvBigBlv said:there is nothing wrong with a 7 string thank you very much
[Jan 19,2010 6:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
6 strings or your a pussy
[Jan 19,2010 6:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd join but I dunno what black metal is. good luck
[Jan 19,2010 6:42pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
i play 6 string and 7 string....soon 8 string, i love guitars...fucking sue me
[Jan 19,2010 7:44pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
its not black metal, but obliteratron is looking for a guitarist who's not a pussy or a pinko liberal. we practice in meriden and are recording at the end of this week. we play old school thrash, only with more aggression and less pizza partys
[Jan 19,2010 8:18pm - soilentgreenispizza ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:6 strings or your a pussy

you accidentally wrote or instead of and
[Jan 19,2010 9:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i accidently all over myself
[Jan 19,2010 10:05pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
seems like you know a lot about black metal!
[Jan 19,2010 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw someone with a 6 string bass this weekend and they only played 2 strings
[Jan 19,2010 10:10pm - TrvBigBlv ""]
that's a bummer...seems like a waste of a perfectly good bass
[Jan 19,2010 10:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
moar strings meanz moar metal
[Jan 19,2010 10:56pm - blue ""]

beelze said:
TrvBigBlv said:there is nothing wrong with a 7 string thank you very much

[Jan 30,2010 2:02am - beelze ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:6 strings or your a pussy

he accidentely wrote your instead of you're
[Jan 30,2010 2:31am - blessed offal  ""]

beelze said:
FuckIsMySignature said:6 strings or your a pussy

he accidentely wrote your instead of you're

he accidentally wrote accidentely instead of accidentally
[Jan 30,2010 4:40am - josh_hates_you ""]
black metal is gay.
[Jan 30,2010 4:42am - goatcatalyst ""]
No shit, sherlock.
[Jan 31,2010 11:00am - Alexecutioner ""]
i would join but i just realized you like 7 strings
[Mar 24,2010 3:06pm - Clisthert ""]
Dont have a 7 string but I am currently a solo Blackened Death metal project.

I like Emperor, Dark Funeral, 1349, and Watain as well.

if you are interested in doing blackened death metal, contact me.

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