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[Apr 13,2004 2:50pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
whats up everyone?

All done...getting ready to mix and master.
6 tracks of brutal grind wuhahhaha.

None...we need shows.

also im gonna be looking for a place to set up a CD RELEASE PARTY can anyone help me out with a place that can do it?
e-mail me fromthesewounds@yahoo.com...thanks.

There will be an un master version/Clip of a song on our site very soon so check the audio page with in the next week. www.dysentery.cjb.net
also www.hxcmp3.com/dysentery will have it soon too it will download alot faster off that too.

Thanks.. and again if anyone has room on any shows please contact us were always down to tear it up anywhere with anyone thanks.
[Apr 13,2004 2:52pm - aliciagrace ""]
Booboo, you can tear it up in my pants
[Apr 13,2004 3:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
how come no one gets that hxcmp3.com doenalt link like that?
[Apr 14,2004 3:29pm - Abraxas ""]
cool, can't wait

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