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Local metal band looking for drummer

[Jan 17,2010 12:31pm - devilman ""]
Hi all return to the pit and local metal fans. Well as some of you have hurd Pat has left Devil's Champion. That leaves us on the hunt for a new drummer. We have a couple people already coming in to try out but would like to see as many drummers as possible so we can find the person that fits in the best as far as style and attitude.We practice sundays and weds or sundays and thursday. Requirements are as follows. Solid understanding of METAL drumming ie solid feet with a good understanding of complex rythems but also can sit back and play in the pocket when needed. The drive to paractice twice a week and play out about 3-4 times a month when possible. We are working on a couple new songs and we are just about to head into the studio to record our full length so you must be down to work and work very hard. We love to have fun and love music more than anything but at practice we have one thing in mind and that's working towards the goal of paying our rent by playing music. Focusing on the goal is important and taking this serious is the only way to get what we want. Please contact us with your info audio or video of you playing would be great . We practice in merrimack nh . Again we do have a couple people already in the pipeline and trying out but we wanted to put this out there and give as many people the oppurtunity as we could out there.

Much Respect
Matt H
Matt B
we practice in merrimack nh email lownote13@comcast.net or call me at 603 930 0079 brian:doublehorns:
[Jan 17,2010 12:41pm - Murph ""]

devilman said:. Solid understanding of METAL drumming ie solid feet with a good understanding of complex rythems .

Evidently, you need a good understanding of complex rhythms, but not the ability to spell them.
[Jan 17,2010 12:45pm - devilman ""]
Spelling is def not needed . Counting though would be nice
[Jan 17,2010 10:28pm - just sayin  ""]
And here we go again...Just because someone isn't a regular on this board and isn't in a Death Metal or Black Metal band, They get fucked with by everyone.
[Jan 17,2010 11:11pm - Murph ""]
I'm not in a death or black metal band. I'm just a fan of spelling. No harm = no foul.
[Jan 18,2010 1:20am - Pires ""]

Murph said:I'm not in a death or black metal band. I'm just a fan of spelling. No harm = no foul.

correction: coital cephalgia is not dead. We're just on hiatus. So you ARE in a DM band.
[Jan 18,2010 8:37am - ouchdrummer ""]

Pires said:
Murph said:I'm not in a death or black metal band. I'm just a fan of spelling. No harm = no foul.

correction: coital cephalgia is not dead. We're just on hiatus. So you ARE in a DM band.

I was going to comment on this.
[Jan 18,2010 4:38pm - devilman ""]
what's up this got wings and burned . Any one know a good drummer lol

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