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Daily Show John Yoo interview

[Jan 11,2010 11:28pm - dertoxia ""]
wow was that awkward
[Jan 11,2010 11:50pm - Doomkid ""]
Didn't see it yet, but John Yoo has got the biggest balls this side of Cheney.
[Jan 12,2010 12:32am - Murph ""]
It doesn't matter. One day Woo will decide to head back overseas to a nation that isn't Israel, and they will arrest him and he'll be tried by a war tribunal...maybe even some sort of progressive human rights court.

Dude made his own bed.
[Jan 12,2010 9:24am - the_reverend ""]
terrible edit.
[Jan 12,2010 12:26pm - Doomkid ""]
Have you ever seen his interviews with Frontline from like '05-06 where unabashedly endorses ridiculous amounts of presidential power?

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