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Fuck Guitar Center

[Jan 3,2010 7:55pm - Archaeon ""]
I just bought new heads for my drums because I'm going into the studio tomorrow. The bass drum head I bought is USED and has a hole in it. Now I have to go into the studio with my old head, and then on tuesday try to convince them that I didn't just take my old head and put in the box and say they have me a used one or some bullshit. this is gay.
[Jan 3,2010 8:05pm - xanonymousx ""]
have a parental figure go with you and it will be alright.
[Jan 3,2010 8:18pm - Archaeon ""]
haha, my mom was saying she wanted to go with me. I'll feel like such a bitch. whatever.
[Jan 3,2010 8:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
works for me, probably not anymore cause i'm 21 but it did last time i had a problem a few years ago. haha those are a lot of money to just be like whatever over.
[Jan 3,2010 8:22pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jan 3,2010 8:25pm - xanonymousx ""]
thats still like a half a day pay for most college students
tomorrow i am going to best buy, buying a hd that crashed again packaging it up and returning it. Free HD anyone?
[Jan 3,2010 8:28pm - martins ""]
pink strat pop punk?
[Jan 3,2010 8:34pm - Archaeon ""]
of course. They probably realized i was gay so they gave me a broken head.
[Jan 3,2010 8:44pm - Murph ""]

Archaeon said:I just bought new heads for my drums because I'm going into the studio tomorrow. The bass drum head I bought is USED and has a hole in it. Now I have to go into the studio with my old head, and then on tuesday try to convince them that I didn't just take my old head and put in the box and say they have me a used one or some bullshit. this is gay.

next time, check the stuff you buy there before you leave (though I'm sure a million people have reminded you of this by now).

once they stamp that little stamp on your receipt, shit's yours.
[Jan 3,2010 8:46pm - martins ""]

Archaeon said:of course. They probably realized i was gay so they gave me a broken head.

Where are you recording? That guy in Western MA? I'd be interested to hear how the shit turns out. Recording all this week?
[Jan 3,2010 8:56pm - Archaeon ""]

martins said:
Archaeon said:of course. They probably realized i was gay so they gave me a broken head.

Where are you recording? That guy in Western MA? I'd be interested to hear how the shit turns out. Recording all this week?

yes to all those things. we should have a final product by next week or wuteva
[Jan 3,2010 8:59pm - martins ""]
Sick. Full length? Better have slams.
[Jan 3,2010 9:01pm - CMTAIB ""]
[Jan 4,2010 12:44am - Archaeon ""]
the world needs to know about the greatness of CMTAIB

and no It's another breepeeee
[Jan 4,2010 12:59am - boblovesmusic ""]

Archaeon said:I just bought new heads for my drums because I'm going into the studio tomorrow. The bass drum head I bought is USED and has a hole in it. Now I have to go into the studio with my old head, and then on tuesday try to convince them that I didn't just take my old head and put in the box and say they have me a used one or some bullshit. this is gay.

Same exact thing happened to Nick from Razormaze!
[Jan 5,2010 4:44pm - Archaeon ""]
Took care of this today, no problems.
[Jan 5,2010 4:46pm - Snli  ""]
You go girlfriend!
[Jan 5,2010 5:18pm - Archaeon ""]
They told me they loved my pink strat music
[Jan 6,2010 8:03am - niccolai ""]
BTW man, you should always let new heads stretch out for a week or so before recording with them.

I guess it's not quite as important with a bassdrum head, but I always considered it bad practice to record brand new snare/tom heads
[Jan 6,2010 8:35am - ouchdrummer ""]
They actually did that to me too. You should tell them when you go in that you were willing to let once go, but this is crazy, and you wanna speak to their manager.
[Jan 6,2010 8:37am - the_reverend ""]
i had the same thing happen to me with a water purifier at home depot last week except when i opened the water purifier, someone had bought both the standard and the premium filters, taken the premium parts and tossed the standard part with other assorted junk back into the premium box and returned it. hard way to save $30.
[Jan 6,2010 8:38am - ouchdrummer ""]
I agree about stretching heads our before recording, but if you look up the drum tuning bible (a downloadable pdf) it explains how to properly seat a head overnight so no extra stretching/setting is required. It takes around a couple hours per head, but your heads will stay in tune twice as long that way. Try it. actually here is the page, you can download it from the "HOT" icon.

[Jan 6,2010 9:00am - the_reverend ""]
earthlink... ahahahahahaah
[Jan 6,2010 9:15am - arilliusbm ""]
imma click that link after I TOS this dude for punting me with Fate-X made by those two douchbags MagUs and FuNGii.
[Jan 6,2010 9:45am - ouchdrummer ""]
so are you laughing at the fact that it's hosted by earthlink? The content is top notch.
[Jan 6,2010 10:55am - timma ""]

arilliusbm said:imma click that link after I TOS this dude for punting me with Fate-X made by those two douchbags MagUs and FuNGii.

Epic, epic win right here.
[Jan 6,2010 11:30am - blue ""]
Hahah leet haxx0rz

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