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total hippy question re: milk....

[Jan 3,2010 2:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
So I like milk but really on skim milk; if it's too thick in kinda scetches me out...

Anyway, I think I've developed or am developing lactose intolerance; both my mother and sister did later in their lives and I think I'm next...

so my question to vegans/vegetarians/hippys: which hippy milk can I get that is similar to SKIM MILK (i.e. not thick or creamy) and will actually taste good in cereal (which I eat LOTS of)...

[Jan 3,2010 2:35pm - Murph ""]
[Jan 3,2010 2:37pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
[Jan 3,2010 2:37pm - dertoxia ""]
i dont know much of nothin about nothing.....but i do know that Chocolate Silk is the tits.
[Jan 3,2010 2:43pm - DreadKill ""]
I used to live off milk but now it makes me sick. I think I developed lactose intolerance too. I feel the same way when I eat ice cream or too much cheese.
[Jan 3,2010 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
most silk is really thick. 8th continent might not be. you can also water it down and just shake it a lot.

personally, i stick with malk.
[Jan 3,2010 2:47pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I also believe TruTaste makes a lactose-free skim milk.
[Jan 3,2010 2:49pm - ZJD ""]
rice milk is about as thin as it gets for plant based milk dealies so i would try that. almond milk is not super thick either and tastes pretty great, but i dont buy it and it might be expensive.
[Jan 3,2010 3:14pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Yeah, that Silk shit looks gross...

Rice milk is nice and thin, maybe I'll try that.
[Jan 3,2010 3:17pm - revnon  ""]

that's what I use unless I'm making mixed drinks. then I use either the creamer or vanilla.
[Jan 3,2010 3:22pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I dont want flavors or any sweet shit...

I want lactose free milk that has the viscosity of skim milk and isn't all sweet and shit.
[Jan 3,2010 3:23pm - revnon  ""]
that's not what I go for. I love my milk to be as thick as possible.
[Jan 3,2010 3:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 3,2010 3:29pm - revnon  ""]
ditto. I was raised on whole milk so I think that skim is just milky water.
[Jan 3,2010 3:37pm - blue ""]
Andrew, the same thing happened to me when I was about 17 or 18. I couldn't handle dairy the way I used to when I was a kid. Rice Milk is definitely what you're looking for. I prefer it to skim. Light Silk is pretty good too, regular is like heavy cream to me.
[Jan 3,2010 3:43pm - revnon  ""]
I prefer my milk to be as close to ejaculate as possible.
[Jan 3,2010 4:09pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Rice Milk FTW
[Jan 3,2010 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
I usually can't handle much dairy but I suck it up and shit water like a man. Ice cream is just too good.
[Jan 3,2010 4:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 3,2010 4:22pm - martins ""]
Stay away from soy milk. Phytoestrogens and all that. LOL, right?

Almond milk is a great alternative and you can make it yourself. I made it a few weeks ago and you can use the left over almond meal too. Tastes really good too.
[Jan 3,2010 4:31pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i just re read my first sentence up above and realised I'm bad at hungover typing.
[Jan 3,2010 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
you know what helps cure a hangover? whole malk.
[Jan 3,2010 4:54pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I have only drank whole milk and will not switch. Although I am 36 years old and just started to get shooting pains all over my abdomen. It happens first thing in thew morning when I put a bit of milk in my coffee. After that though the rest of the day I drink milk and no pain. Weird.
[Jan 3,2010 4:59pm - gslice  ""]
at the risk of being redundant, rice milk is what you want, I used to date a lactose intolerant vegetarian and thats pretty much the only thing that I could use with cereal when I was at her place
[Jan 3,2010 5:20pm - sxealex ""]

AndrewBastard said:Yeah, that Silk shit looks gross...

Rice milk is nice and thin, maybe I'll try that.

silk is really good wtf?
[Jan 3,2010 6:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I prefer rice milk over soy milk myself. But, on the other hand, I'll take skim or 1% milk over anything. I'd want to die if I was lactose intolerant. Nothing better than chugging milk straight from the jug on a hot, humid summer day.
[Jan 3,2010 6:15pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
rice milk rules.

also the harvey milk picture...hahahah
[Jan 3,2010 7:48pm - martins ""]
Just drink cream. Shit rules.
[Jan 3,2010 7:56pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 3,2010 9:26pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
soy breaks down as estrogen in your body. if you're a man, i'd stay away from that shit
[Jan 4,2010 12:09am - Murph ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I prefer rice milk over soy milk myself. But, on the other hand, I'll take skim or 1% milk over anything. I'd want to die if I was lactose intolerant. Nothing better than chugging milk straight from the jug on a hot, humid summer day.

[Jan 4,2010 12:11am - shannon ""]
Milk smells gross and is swimming with antibiotics+hormones...I use Silk in my cereal and coffee...I dig it
[Jan 4,2010 12:25am - martins ""]
lol so you replace something that has antibiotics+hormones with something else that has pesticides+lectins+hormones. weeee
[Jan 4,2010 12:51am - Pires ""]

the_reverend said:you know what helps cure a hangover? whole malk.

it's the vitamin R. Works wonders for the hangover.
[Jan 4,2010 7:51am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

dertoxia said:i dont know much of nothin about nothing.....but i do know that Chocolate Silk is the tits.

I love meat, but man....that stuff is god, I drink it all the time, and use it in cereal haha
[Jan 4,2010 9:55am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]



[Jan 4,2010 11:12am - Jeff_Met_Aliens ""]
vanilla silk. Throw in a shot of soy protein into some vanilla silk. Tastes like a milkshake. Be that a shitty imitation of a milkshake, but close enough while still being actually healthy.
[Jan 4,2010 11:17am - ouchdrummer ""]
i love whole milk.... although i can understand why the viscosity would freak you out.
[Jan 4,2010 11:27am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
i get whole unhomogenised milk from a farm in union. they also have local goats milk. the heart problems connected with dairy started when they started homogenising the milk to give it longer shelf life
[Jan 4,2010 1:07pm - martins ""]
Is it unpasteurized too? I've been looking forever for a source for unpasteurized unhomogenised (raw) milk nearby.
[Jan 4,2010 1:08pm - brian_dc ""]
find a farmn
suck a cow
[Jan 4,2010 1:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:find a farmn
suck a cow

Well yeah... or just send a local farm an email, they'll definitely sell you milk.
[Jan 4,2010 1:12pm - martins ""]
There's a place in andover but it's only raw goat's milk. I've never had goats milk except in cheese, yogurt, and ice cream form.
[Jan 4,2010 1:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
goat milk is real good.
[Jan 4,2010 1:26pm - brian_dc ""]
You're so reasonable, Jimbo
[Jan 4,2010 1:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]

brian_dc said:You're so reasonable, Jimbo

and practical.
[Jan 4,2010 2:08pm - lamp ""]
On the topic of Chocolate Silk, I dig it more than regular chocolate milk. It has a stronger flavor but isn't as heavy.
[Jan 4,2010 2:10pm - brian_dc ""]
I support that.
[Jan 4,2010 2:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]

lamp said:On the topic of Chocolate Silk, I dig it more than regular chocolate milk. It has a stronger flavor but isn't as heavy.

I like the heaviness of reg-choch milk. But i think silk-chocolate is wonderful too..... I'm gonna go buy some chocolate milk right now.
[Jan 4,2010 3:03pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

martins said:Is it unpasteurized too? I've been looking forever for a source for unpasteurized unhomogenised (raw) milk nearby.

its pasteurised, but has the cream line.
[Jan 4,2010 3:07pm - martins ""]
Lame. I had some unhomogenised milk a few weeks ago. Wayyyyyy better than regular milk but still not that raw milk taste. Had it in portugal a few years ago and that shit is mindblowingly good.
[Jan 4,2010 3:14pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
bush meadow farm is totally worth checkin out on your way through CT. smoked meats and awesome sandwiches
[Jan 4,2010 4:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
I love meat, but man....that stuff is god, I drink it all the time, and use it in cereal haha

Do you drink meat milk or something?
[Jan 4,2010 4:40pm - ancient master  ""]
i heard that milk has like some large percentage of pus in it from dairy cows getting infections in their teats...maybe thats why whole milk is so viscous!
[Jan 4,2010 7:29pm - succubus ""]
If you like thick milk but are worried about yer tummy...

buy ORGANIC FAT FREE milk....organic milk is thicker than regular milk...if your stomach can handle fat free but you don't like the watery factor...organic all the way
[Jan 4,2010 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
swing and a miss.
he's lactose intolerant.
[Jan 4,2010 7:34pm - succubus ""]
ummm he said he can drank skim milk but doesn't like the taste..he should give organic a try
[Jan 4,2010 7:36pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard said:Anyway, I think I've developed or am developing lactose intolerance; both my mother and sister did later in their lives and I think I'm next...
[Jan 4,2010 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard said:(i.e. not thick or creamy)
[Jan 4,2010 8:51pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I CAN drink skim still but it's starting to fuck me up more and more hense my thinking that I am or have already developed lactose intolerance to some degree...

I've never been able to stomach any heavier than 1% even when I was younger.

Anyway, I bought rice milk today and plan to have some cereal later....will keep you all updated!!
[Jan 10,2010 12:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Rice milk = PERFECT

Eating Honey Bunches of Oats right now with rice milk and it's delicious...
[Jan 10,2010 12:31pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
oh, and I have not eaten a SINGLE BITE of meat so far in 2010...
[Jan 10,2010 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
ditto. but you could say that about 2009, 2008... back to 1998.
btw: read the book eating animals.
[Jan 10,2010 1:35pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I don't really have a problem with eating animals; I hate how they're treated etc and so forth, I really do but I'm just doing this to lose a little weight and get a bit healthier what with all the drugs and alcohol I abuse...
[Jan 10,2010 6:09pm - martins ""]
lol read The Vegetarian Myth, revguy
[Jan 10,2010 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser posting as martins.
[Jan 10,2010 8:30pm - martins ""]
It's a good read anyway even if it has no effect on your opinion/habits. I wouldn't expect it to anyway.
[Jan 10,2010 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
and now you want to suck my dick? martins posting as archaeon.
[Jan 10,2010 8:50pm - martins ""]
I wouldn't touch your dick with anything but my vagina.

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