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Bose QuietComfort 15

[Jan 1,2010 7:51pm - demondave ""]


I want a pair so fuckin bad.

I took my wife to the Wrentham Outlets to go shopping, and I saw that there was a Bose store. I went in and poked around. They had a display with different headphones on, and when I tried these I almost lost my mind. The noise cancellation was unbelievable. Since I take the commuter rail into Boston, the thought of owning these makes me salivate. With it costing $300, I would have to cut into my vinyl purchases.

[Jan 1,2010 8:08pm - reimroc ""]

You can thank me later.
[Jan 1,2010 8:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea man. Those are awesome. I was thinking the same thing about the commuter rail.
[Jan 1,2010 8:22pm - Blue ""]

i have a pair of bose headphones that i got a few years ago, higher end at the time and probably comparable to the ones you salivate over. while they do rule, the HD series headphones g-unit there is suggesting are amazing bang for the buck headphones and will compete well with the bose. do a comparison before buying, if you still dig the bose go for em, if not you might save some serious dough.
[Jan 1,2010 8:52pm - demondave ""]

wow, thanks for the suggestions. But it's not just the quality, its the noise cancellation.

"The HD 555s are open, circumaural, full-sized headphones. That means they let outside noise in and inside noise out (so they're not suitable for use in noisy environments, or near people who don't want to hear a tinnier version of what you're hearing)"

There was a variety of chaos and noise (people were blaring the different speakers) in the store and they cut it off.

[Jan 1,2010 10:18pm - Slag ""]
Best headphones I have ever heard. I own them and anyone else who has used them would agree. I use them for recording and as a second opinion when I am mixing. So comfortable.

[Jan 1,2010 11:13pm - reimroc ""]

demondave said:

wow, thanks for the suggestions. But it's not just the quality, its the noise cancellation.

"The HD 555s are open, circumaural, full-sized headphones. That means they let outside noise in and inside noise out (so they're not suitable for use in noisy environments, or near people who don't want to hear a tinnier version of what you're hearing)"

There was a variety of chaos and noise (people were blaring the different speakers) in the store and they cut it off.

I own a pair of 555s and they actually do a good job of blocking most outside noise. They're excellent, excellent phones for music and gaming. music especially. You'll be using them so much(not just for your rail trips) that the fact they're not super noise canceling won't matter anymore. Nothing like getting baked, laying on the couch and throwing these bad boys on to really experience what you're listening to. I can hear little nuances and sounds in songs I could never hear before.
[Jan 1,2010 11:19pm - reimroc ""]
AKG and Grado also make great headphones.
[Jan 2,2010 1:18am - Blue ""]

demondave said:

wow, thanks for the suggestions. But it's not just the quality, its the noise cancellation.

"The HD 555s are open, circumaural, full-sized headphones. That means they let outside noise in and inside noise out (so they're not suitable for use in noisy environments, or near people who don't want to hear a tinnier version of what you're hearing)"

There was a variety of chaos and noise (people were blaring the different speakers) in the store and they cut it off.

totally understand where youre coming from. just compare them to figure it out yourself.
[Jan 2,2010 9:07am - ZenErik ""]
No highs. No lows. Must be Bose.

If you really want good headphones for the train look into Etymotic HF5s. Or maybe some Shure SE530s.
[Jan 2,2010 9:13am - ZenErik ""]

Slag said:Best headphones I have ever heard. I own them and anyone else who has used them would agree. I use them for recording and as a second opinion when I am mixing. So comfortable.


Those are good ones. I have Sennheiser HD650s, which also rule but maybe a little less so as reference headphones.
[Jan 2,2010 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
is this an infomercial?
[Jan 2,2010 12:00pm - martins ""]

ZenErik said:No highs. No lows. Must be Bose.

If you really want good headphones for the train look into Etymotic HF5s. Or maybe some Shure SE530s.

Yes, instead of active sound cancellation, look at sound isolation. Earbuds.

Ultimate Ears, Shure, Etymotic. All great companies.
[Jan 2,2010 12:30pm - ZenErik ""]
indeed. i put the volume on my mp3 player 1 notch above muted, and it is more than loud enough on the t, even underground. the sound is clear, and the low and high end extensions are great. only minor gripe about in ears is the slightly narrower soundstage.
[Mar 10,2012 7:35pm - demondave ""]
The headphones I had were starting to hit end of life so I decided to go for the Bose QC15. They are fucking amazing. For me it's totally about the noise cancellation. Real audiophiles would pick something higher, but I think these are great. They are comfortable.

Every time I was about to buy them, I would spend the money on vinyl. With the other headphones biting the dust, I decided to bite the bullet. So worth it for me.

[Mar 10,2012 7:38pm - KEVORD ""]
I have the Bose Quiet Comfort 15's. I love them and the sound is awesome.
[Mar 10,2012 8:08pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
i rock bose in ears now...they are awesome.
[Mar 10,2012 10:12pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
spending $300 on headphones is absurd.
[Mar 10,2012 10:57pm - KEVORD ""]
But the absurdity sounds killer.
[Mar 10,2012 11:11pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

KEVORD said:But the absurdity sounds killer.
[Mar 10,2012 11:24pm - demondave ""]
Holy fuck everything sounds awesome. I bet even Six Feet Under would sound awesome.
[Mar 10,2012 11:33pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 10,2012 11:45pm - KEVORD ""]

demondave said:Holy fuck everything sounds awesome. I bet even Six Feet Under would sound awesome.
But Goatwhore still sucks.
[Mar 11,2012 3:01am - DukeManjunk ""]
i once got 15 PAIRS for free in the mail.....be jealous.

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