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April 11th 2004 @ the middle east

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [bane_of_existence][phantom_limb][raising_kubrick][randomshots][teratism]
[Apr 12,2004 1:59am - the_reverend ""]
we are back.
show's over.
pictures soon.
[Apr 12,2004 2:23am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading now.
[Apr 12,2004 8:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It was a great show, with a good turn out, though I was pissed with how many people ended up on the guestlist since it was more then spots I allotted and I am not sure how that happened, and because of it I didn't reach the Middle East's ridiculous quota by 2 dollars and got alot of flack from them again. Oh well.

Oh yeah there was some bands who played and they were good, no thanks to the fat fucking lesbian doing sound who obviously doesn't know how to work the board correctly.

Thanks to everyone who came out on a sunday night, hope you enjoy the Phantom Limb CD!!
[Apr 12,2004 8:50am - the_reverend ""]
Hoppy Easter show. again, another show that went by really fast. there was a bunch of people at this show. All the bands sounded rough at the beginning of their sets, but it was all worked out after a song or two.

teratism: stating the show with high energy. These guys rocked, like always. Too bad that their cd wasn't out yet. I think it would have sold well at this show.

raising kubrick: continuing the high energy, rk vibrated on stage, having little room to move around. they threw out easter candy into the audience. The "grand prize" gift had a nice fake-grass whig that you can see in the pictures. at the beginning, you couldn't hear pete's backups at all, but that all got worked out.

phantom limb: this was their cd release party. a cd which sold pretty well from what I could tell. I know I got a copy for my radio sow tonight. they played a huge set, like 12-ish songs. though with phantom limb songs, that goes by really quickly.

bane of existence: it was getting on in the night and BOE didn't get their CDs from spain in time to have them available at this show. I'm wondering what the track listing will be seeing as I only know of them playing a couple new songs. Instead of a CD release party, this was their t-shirt release party.
[Apr 12,2004 9:04am - succubus ""]
once again the night just flew by...good times
[Apr 12,2004 9:08am - succubus ""]
oh and it was nice getting a special "thank you" in the CD.
[Apr 12,2004 9:12am - shatteredliz ""]
I wanted to be there so badly! I didn't make it back from Easter in New York until 11:30. I'm glad the bands put on a good show, even if the sound girl was bad.
[Apr 12,2004 9:58am - subjugate69  ""]
it was a good time
[Apr 12,2004 10:16am - dug o' xistance  ""]
I like Rev's "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" approach to our set last night. I made the big #2's when I got home though. Plop plop fizz fizz....
[Apr 12,2004 12:29pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Great show.....great crowd response for everyone..I spilled beer all over my equip and I think I fucked my shit up. Oh well... MASS DEATH
[Apr 12,2004 12:59pm - Dread_104 ""]
This crowd was fucking awesome!!! I felt like i was gonna die, but they kept me going. sorry if we seemed kinda gay, i was sick, everyone was in kinda a mood,etc. Just a rough night. Besides all that, this was a sick fucking show.
[Apr 12,2004 5:07pm - blue ""]
happy easter.
[Apr 12,2004 6:34pm - soilworker ""]
Awsome show each band was great...but when we went back to the car it was not there. so we had to find out where it was walk two miles to the place pay 95 bucks to get it out of the impound lot and then finally got home around 4:30. What a fun night besides that.
[Apr 12,2004 6:42pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... that sucks.
and BOE was awesome.
[Apr 12,2004 7:17pm - dug o' xistance  ""]
the_reverend said:
and BOE was awesome.

Aww, revvie-poo. thanks. my ego is very fragile.
[Apr 12,2004 8:00pm - soilworker ""]
oh yeah then i had to go to school at 7
[Apr 12,2004 9:00pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
this show was awesome, one of the only shows that I've ever been to where I liked every band, what a way to celebrate the risen christ
[Apr 13,2004 10:43am - subjugate ""]
2 days later still can't really turn my head with out some pain

getting old sucks

aleve take me away
[Apr 13,2004 10:50am - dug o' xistance  ""]
I'm still making the #2's. I think something died in my anus.
[Apr 13,2004 10:55am - subjugate ""]
:shocked:H :shocked:H

dug o said:I'm still making the #2's. I think something died in my anus.

[Apr 13,2004 10:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Thanks for sharing Doug, we can all sleep a little better now knowing your ass is out of control
[Apr 13,2004 12:27pm - Dug_O\\\  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Thanks for sharing Doug, we can all sleep a little better now knowing your ass is out of control

Just be happy I didn't squeeze out a grump on stage during the set. My Easter would've been complete if that had happened.

[Apr 13,2004 12:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You should have dumped on the sound girl
[Apr 13,2004 1:05pm - anonymous  ""]
she definantly was not into it i knew it from the expression on her face during our "soundcheck"

i think if/when we platt here again we'll us the floor for our stage put the amps at the edge or somthing that way mikee has room for his drums
[Apr 13,2004 1:07pm - cOgiNthEMAchiNe ""]
Kubrick! thanks for the candy! I don't even mind that you nailed me in the head.

The Phantom Limb cd kicks ass:doublehorns:
[Apr 13,2004 2:22pm - subjugate69  ""]
[Apr 13,2004 3:17pm - blue ""]
cOgiNthEMAchiNe said:Kubrick! thanks for the candy! I don't even mind that you nailed me in the head.

sorry bout that. hope the candy made up for it. :spineyes:

[Apr 13,2004 5:01pm - Pete from RK  ""]
candy makes you dandy
[Apr 13,2004 5:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
[Apr 15,2004 8:54pm - Pete from RK  ""]
Now Darkness, the tables are turned. Do with him whatever you like.
[Apr 16,2004 11:48pm - Teratism ""]
Yeah, that sound girl sucked, but she was a fine piece of azz
[Apr 16,2004 11:58pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Joe, next time you book at the Middle East tell them you have your own sound guy (me). If they're cool with it, it might lower the cost they'll take from you.
[Apr 17,2004 5:24am - succubus ""]
how about next time you show up?
[Apr 17,2004 6:05am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You don't want to know how sick I was that night. I really wanted to go.
[Apr 17,2004 7:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I may just do that, but I don't think I will bother booking at the Middle East too often. Mostly just for tours or special occasions.
[Apr 20,2004 8:30am - subjugate ""]
did you ever post your pic's of the show?
[Apr 21,2004 10:23am - succubus ""]
[Apr 21,2004 10:35am - succubus ""]


oh dammit...i didn't rotate RK and Teratism....grrr

[Apr 21,2004 10:45am - subjugate ""]
[Apr 21,2004 10:46am - subjugate ""]
[IMG]javascript:openpicture('/images/2004/4_11_2004/bane_of_existence/bane_of_existence120.JPG',0, 0);[/IMG]

oh so pretty with my puckered lips haha
[Apr 21,2004 10:50am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 21,2004 10:57am - subjugate ""]
thanks man

[Apr 21,2004 11:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will call him Mini-Me

[Apr 21,2004 4:31pm - succubus ""]
ok when i get home i will re-upload Raising Kubrick and Teratism photos

sorry guys!!!
[Apr 21,2004 6:58pm - succubus ""]
all set now!
[Apr 21,2004 7:19pm - succubus ""]

[Apr 21,2004 7:23pm - succubus ""]
last but not least..
he's so metal he even gives the horms when he plays!

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