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Female Juggalo Mosh

[Dec 28,2009 3:13pm - JoeyCobra ""]

[Dec 28,2009 3:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i larfed heartily without even having to play the video
[Dec 28,2009 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
oh good. a swirling pit of B.O. and herpes.
[Dec 28,2009 3:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
ITT: Girls that should put on more clothes.
[Dec 28,2009 3:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, a whole group of girls that i wouldn't bang.... that's a rarity.
[Dec 28,2009 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
i'd bang them all. with a shotgun.
[Dec 28,2009 3:27pm - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
not one of them is a minority
[Dec 28,2009 3:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Dr.%20Sphincto said:not one of them is a minority

ha, that's probably part of the reason i wouldn't.
[Dec 28,2009 3:29pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Jizz Michaels is an equal opportunity sexer.
[Dec 28,2009 3:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Yeah, obviously skin color doesn't rule out the chance of deep dicking. But having naturally tan skin, or "exotic" looking features sure makes up for other lacks.
[Dec 28,2009 3:36pm - JoeyCobra ""]
just noticed "hype man" wearing a stop sign shirt in the backround who adds to hillarity.
[Dec 28,2009 3:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If only those girls could read.
[Dec 28,2009 3:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i just noticed how much room in front of the stage there is.... hahaha
[Dec 28,2009 3:43pm - pam ""]
"An error occurred"...I'm thinking I'm better off.
[Dec 28,2009 3:44pm - ouchdrummer ""]

pam said:"An error occurred"...I'm thinking I'm better off.

i didn't even venture to watch it.... too scary.
[Dec 28,2009 3:55pm - ryanshungryovens  ""]
[Dec 28,2009 4:12pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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