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SLIPKNOT TONIGHT!!!!! WHO'S GOING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

[Apr 10,2004 5:03pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
fuck you.:middlefinger:
[Apr 10,2004 5:07pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'll go if i can throw rocks
[Apr 10,2004 5:09pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
ill be there sellling them

no, but i really know people going to this show.
[Apr 10,2004 7:06pm - the_reverend ""]
not it.

though it would be interesting to see the spectical,
it would be horrible to hear it.
[Apr 10,2004 7:16pm - succubus ""]
poor lynneaus has to work..and she's doing security tonight!

I could have covered it, but no thanks...although Jay from the Undergroundscene is going
[Apr 10,2004 8:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
girl security haha, is that how rough slipknot fans get?
[Apr 10,2004 8:21pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:not it.

though it would be interesting to see the spectical,
it would be horrible to hear it.

Yeah, I actually heard that they do put on a pretty good show. Too bad about their music being pretty horrible (although, I have to admit that I do find some riffs kind of catchy). What I don't understand is why Cory has to put his scream through all those fucking effects!! What the hell, it isn't hard to just scream. If they ditched those effects it would make the band probably 20% better (still not that good though). If I end up going to Ozzfest I guess I will see them.
[Apr 10,2004 8:37pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Several people asked me if I was going... because I was wearing an In Flames shirt.
[Apr 10,2004 8:40pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahaha, nice. Dom, have you heard the new In Flames? I havn't but I heard it is like Korn except worse.
[Apr 10,2004 8:49pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
its not like Korn. It's gayer then their old gay stuff though
[Apr 10,2004 9:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
*listening to anal blast*
[Apr 10,2004 9:54pm - Abbath ""]
i wonder if Fear Factory was good or not, good old OLD fear factory
[Apr 11,2004 5:11am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i have to admit that i saw slipknot about 4 years ago. they played here at a small club. it was a good show and i used to like their first CD, but now i just can't stand it. there's just something about them, like they're fake to me or something. i can't quite put my finger on it.
[Apr 11,2004 9:46am - retzam ""]
I used to like their first CD also mdd.
[Apr 11,2004 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
the problem with slipknot is they trick you.
you hear 1/666th of a song and think for 1/666th of a second "what is this", but before you even get to the "this", they ruin it.
[Apr 11,2004 10:48am - theundergroundscene ""]
That show was awesome, I don't care what anyone says! Well, except it was probably the loudest show I've ever been to and my ears are still ringing, and I actually wore ear plugs for once. But of course, I just talked to people I knew all night so it was fun. Here are some pics (and no our picture section on the site STILL doesn't work)

Sworn Enemy:




[Apr 11,2004 10:49am - theundergroundscene ""]







[Apr 11,2004 10:52am - theundergroundscene ""]
Fear Factory:




[Apr 11,2004 10:52am - theundergroundscene ""]






[Apr 11,2004 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
theundergroundscene said:Chimaira:

looks like dimebag and dino had a baby...
[Apr 11,2004 10:56am - theundergroundscene ""]
Oh and the coolest thing ever, when we got to the show around 5ish, the line was already wrapped around the building, and the singer of Slipknot Corey Taylor was outside in the parking lot talking to kids for at least a half hour. He sat there and just bullshitted with them, and signed everything kids wanted signed, took pictures, it was awesome. I've heard so many negative things about him, and the time I met him he was cool, and to see that, it just kind of proves the whole "everyone has their bad days" thing...

My little brother is a HUUUUGE Slipknot fan, so it was cool for him to meet the singer of his favorite band. He's still jaded by all that stuff. Although Brian from Shadows Fall was talking to me and goes "dude I just met your little brother and he's not your little brother!!" Because he's like, bigger than me and I'm five years older. Ok that part of the story wasn't so funny... shut up it was a good show!!
[Apr 11,2004 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
my little brother is my height and 20-50lbs heavier than me.
[Apr 11,2004 2:22pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
oh no, there's more of you rev??
[Apr 11,2004 2:52pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
my little brother is a little taller than me and he is a gigantic fat hunk of shit that sucks.
[Apr 11,2004 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I have a little brother (25) and a little sister (15).

my sister:
[Apr 11,2004 5:03pm - Kalopsia ""]
i think most people on here that hate slipknot have not heard their last cd, Iowa, because their self-titled album before that was crappy. if you listen to Iowa, there's a lot of death metal and little black metal influence. Corey Taylor does an amazing job on vocals, both clean and screaming. i for one am looking forward to their upcoming album
[Apr 11,2004 7:00pm - pessimist ""]
well that makes one of us...i heard pieces of their last album. It sounded pretty gay to me. Who can take a band seriously with masks on that jump around and have lyrics like "if you're 555 then I'm 666"? Honestly...
[Apr 11,2004 7:04pm - JellyFish ""]
slipknot sicks, plain and simple
[Apr 11,2004 7:31pm - retzam ""]
I dislike Slipknot, but they are the one and only link between the mainstream world and the extreme metal world, so for that I commend them.
[Apr 11,2004 9:14pm - porphyria603 ""]
slipknot=dogshit,just another band flogging the nu-metal log.
[Apr 11,2004 9:37pm - Kalopsia ""]
pessimist said:well that makes one of us...i heard pieces of their last album. It sounded pretty gay to me. Who can take a band seriously with masks on that jump around and have lyrics like "if you're 555 then I'm 666"? Honestly...

keep in mind The Berzerker also run around with masks on. and every black metal band uses corpse paint, it's all the same thing. it's an image. but i do agree with the 666 song. that lyric is pretty stupid
[Apr 11,2004 9:59pm - hybrid ""]
i used to listen to slipknot when i was a freshman in high school, i am now a senior and i dont deny the fact i used to listen to them. i stopped listening to them in the beginning of my sophomore year. i just grew out of that music, simple as that. i started listening to poison the well my sophomore year and since then i have gotten into heavier stuff... you dont have to knock the band to think they suck. slipknots music is pretty dumb, but i dont bother saying "nu-metal is gay", "slipknot fans are gay posers", or "i like putting sticks up my butt". just let people listen to the music they like. we all started off on some kind of somewhat gay music. heck, the reverend listened to techno, and he still does! everybody beat the fag! haha, just kidding.
[Apr 12,2004 9:14am - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:oh no, there's more of you rev??

yup yup
they are opposite in almost every way
oh and...i have the BEST photo of them together btw....

[Apr 12,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
oh the reason i was going to initially bump this is to show jay and get him to post a review and some sample pics..i didn't see it when aaron and i got back from the Middle East show though..odd

[Apr 12,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
I listen to a lot more that techno... I hate comercial radio bullshit, but I listen to a hellova lot more than just metal/hardcore.
[Apr 12,2004 12:02pm - anonymous  ""]
i'd have gone purely for fear factory if the ticket prices weren't so outrageous
[Apr 12,2004 12:03pm - retzam ""]
Why don't you register anonymous?
[Apr 12,2004 12:07pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
JellyFish said:slipknot sicks, plain and simple

I agree, Slipknot is sick
[Apr 12,2004 12:11pm - retzam ""]
[Apr 12,2004 12:13pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm assuming you mean why do you regist anonymous. its cuz i'm at a computer lab at school and i'm too lazy to log in here and sign out when i'm done.

- AttendMyRequiem
[Apr 12,2004 12:14pm - retzam ""]
ahh... ok
[Apr 12,2004 2:05pm - morkul ""]
I think Slipknot is ok. They are a link to more extreme music. When you have people like myself or other kids who are always looking for something heavier they play a key role because kids go, ok if this is heavy as fuck, what else out there is heaveir than this. It's like people who started out listening to Metallica and then found Sepultura and Napalm Death(talking about myself)and keep looking to this day for a more extreme band or whatever, so for that I think it's ok for them to be doing what they do.Just my opinion,not written in stone or anything.
[Apr 12,2004 2:10pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
succubus said:MyDeadDoll said:oh no, there's more of you rev??

yup yup
they are opposite in almost every way
oh and...i have the BEST photo of them together btw....

you gotta show us!

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