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How can I merge a partition for free

[Dec 16,2009 10:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I have windows 7 on my main laptop and I love it.

So I reinstalled XP on my old laptop and partitioned the drive in half when I did that. I installed a copy of Vista Business on the other partition, it works fine, so now I want to install just Vista, but I can't seem to merge the partitions, Partition Magic is no longer free, what can I use?
[Dec 16,2009 10:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
disk utility.... lol
[Dec 16,2009 10:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I know, it's XP home, disk management is weak. Nevermind anyways, i found a cracked Part. Magic8 on soulseek
[Dec 16,2009 11:11pm - dertoxia ""]
the disk management in vista should be able to do it no problem. the disk manager in xp can't.

I think you need to format the other partition first.
[Dec 16,2009 11:45pm - sinistas ""]

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