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Hey Faggotrons. It is I, The Kok.

[Dec 7,2009 9:05pm - powerkok ""]
hey fuckers of the face, what the fuck is going on? Been a while. Like a 2 years. But, fuck it, ya know. I joined a band down here, and got kicked out in a week. That was awesome. I was told that the hardest song on drums, in the world, was by the Foo Fighters, so I called the drummer a faggot, and the next thing you know, Im outta the band. Good times.
I still am a massive hater, actually more so now, I would imagine. Eat shit as always.
[Dec 7,2009 9:09pm - Tuff Guy  ""]
You wanna meet me in the Chinatown of your city bitch??I'll hand choke your neck bitch
[Dec 7,2009 9:11pm - powerkok ""]
Ill fucking kill you.
Heres proof.
[Dec 7,2009 9:14pm - powerkok ""]
Well, your lucky I dunno how to embed a video....
[Dec 7,2009 9:18pm - powerkok ""]
nevermind...look down there
[Dec 7,2009 9:18pm - powerkok ""]
I figd it out kinda....click down here...
[Dec 7,2009 9:21pm - powerkok ""]
[Dec 7,2009 9:24pm - Uncle Paulie 1%er  ""]
How is Florida??? There has to be some good stories comin from that shit magnet
[Dec 7,2009 9:27pm - powerkok ""]
Its like a carnival in a brazilian slum, with cops.
[Dec 7,2009 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just thinking about you the other day cause an old epic thread popped up.
[Dec 7,2009 9:41pm - powerkok ""]
I feel like an old epic thread.
How u been? U and Carina still doin it?
[Dec 7,2009 9:42pm - the_reverend ""]
we stopped doing it because a baby was born. he is almost 3 weeks old now.
[Dec 7,2009 9:44pm - powerkok ""]
holy shit man, congrats!! thats awesome!
[Dec 7,2009 9:45pm - powerkok ""]
Black metal/hardcore?
[Dec 7,2009 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
Osetlio so a boy.
he's not allowed to listen to music yet I don't think.
[Dec 7,2009 11:10pm - succubus ""]
hey PK! Aaron still can't type: Ostelio is his name
How is FL? Aaron and i were there in March...good times! Remind me what town yer in...
[Dec 8,2009 12:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
damn theres a name i havent seen in a while
[Dec 8,2009 7:22am - ShadowSD ""]
Funny thing is I've been gone from the board from about as long as you have, I just starting posting again last month after a couple years, although for different reasons (had a kid - didn't stop playing, just slowed down on the networking/promotion side for a while).

Good to see that hellish police state hasn't broken your spirit.

Here's hoping you break theirs.
[Dec 8,2009 8:11am - the_reverend ""]
he's got you beat... he had 2 kids
[Dec 8,2009 8:16am - ouchdrummer ""]
I like your name. I feel like it embodies my soul...... POWERKOK!!!!
[Dec 8,2009 8:34am - sever ""]
Florida is the gayest shithole ever. Avoid at all costs.
[Dec 8,2009 9:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
What's up Kok! Been jamming with Matt lately - on our 5th song. Let me know if you ever come visit.
[Dec 8,2009 10:16am - FunkIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 9,2009 12:49am - powerkok ""]
Cool Andols...thats awesome.
I am tryin to get some time off next summer. We should chill for sure.
Im in Cape Coral, Carina.

Florida has its downsides...but queer marriage isnt one of them, Massholes.
And the women here......makes the entire Northeastearn Seaboard look like a Vermont Lesbian convention.
I see more ass while grocery shopping than I did in my 15 years in NH!!

Not that it matters to me, but its still fun to look at.
The music scene here is a joke tho.

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