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goodbye FML, hello MLIT

[Dec 5,2009 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 5,2009 4:31pm - RyanPlegics ""]
does not compute
[Dec 5,2009 5:05pm - Martins ""]
That is one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. I hate the human race.
[Dec 5,2009 5:35pm - lol  ""]
"I went to see New Moon and at the end when Edward proposes to Bella, I said yes. Out loud. With my boyfriend of 4 years sitting next to me. He wasn't happy." MLIT.
[Dec 5,2009 5:40pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread is so pam
[Dec 5,2009 6:35pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
"Over the past couple of weeks I've been taking notice of how much people are talking about Twilight. It seems where ever I turn there's someone talking and/or obsessing about it. I can't seem to get away from this crap. MLIT. FML."
[Dec 5,2009 8:41pm - Lamp ""]
I read two entries and wanted to puke.
[Dec 6,2009 8:23am - pam ""]

the_reverend said:this thread is so pam

I'm not the one who found this website, cupcake.
[Dec 6,2009 10:04am - aril  ""]
The reverend only agrees with himself 50% of the time

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