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Happy Good Friday

[Apr 9,2004 9:48am - davyp ""]
Just wondering does anyone realy care about this day and if you do why?>:]
[Apr 9,2004 9:56am - succubus ""]
well where i'm from you get it off and you get the day after easter off (easter monday) but not here in the good ol US of A
so it's used to be a super long weekend...
[Apr 9,2004 10:02am - Josh_hates_you ""]
another day dedicated to christ? no thanks

[Apr 9,2004 10:34am - davyp ""]
succubus said:well where i'm from you get it off and you get the day after easter off (easter monday) but not here in the good ol US of A
so it's used to be a super long weekend...

where are you from?
[Apr 9,2004 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
she is from Italy and Canada, simultaneously
[Apr 9,2004 11:05am - litacore ""]
I think I'll whistle through my Palm (although isn't it also reported they put the nails in His wrists?)
[Apr 9,2004 11:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There was theological discussions that the nails couldn't have gone through his palms, because his weight would rip through his hands and he would fall off the cross.
However, some say they tied his arms, nailed his palms, and his legs were slightly bent and on a wooden wedge, and nailed in place.
The way his arms were stretched would prevent him from breathing, so take a breath he would have to have pushed himself up on the nails in his feet, which would cause massive amounts of pain.

Thank you History Channel!
[Apr 9,2004 11:12am - retzam ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:There was theological discussions that the nails couldn't have gone through his palms, because his weight would rip through his hands and he would fall off the cross.
However, some say they tied his arms, nailed his palms, and his legs were slightly bent and on a wooden wedge, and nailed in place.
The way his arms were stretched would prevent him from breathing, so take a breath he would have to have pushed himself up on the nails in his feet, which would cause massive amounts of pain.

Thank you History Channel!

Well, the fact that he wouldn't be able to breathe doesn't really change that much, unless...

How long is he supposed to have been on the cross before he died?
[Apr 9,2004 11:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think he was on the cross most the afternoon and into the early evening. I better watch the history channel again, I am sure that Easter Christ thing will be on again this year around this time.
[Apr 9,2004 11:20am - litacore ""]
"Nailed to the Cross" -- Whiplash

best ending to a song ever.
[Apr 9,2004 12:33pm - davyp ""]
Eat meat, and do what you want to, its good friday, yeaaaahhhhhhhaaa, praise the lard filled meat and all of its bountiful goodness...
[Apr 9,2004 12:36pm - Dread_104 ""]
how is it good friday? i'm not getting laid today.
that's NO GOOD Friday
[Apr 9,2004 1:38pm - morkul ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I think he was on the cross most the afternoon and into the early evening. I better watch the history channel again, I am sure that Easter Christ thing will be on again this year around this time.

He was on the cross for three hours.Catholic school education.
[Apr 9,2004 1:39pm - retzam ""]
Three hours sounds about right, what with the blood loss and stuff.
[Apr 9,2004 1:58pm - morkul ""]
The blood loss did have some effect, but it was mainly due to suffocation. Being suspended like that causes the lungs to try to find air laboring the breathing,hence causing suffocation. People can't really confirm whether the spear to the side came before/after he was dead.
[Apr 9,2004 2:00pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i have to go to work today and deal with all the beaners from across the boarder. apparently in mexico, they get the week off before easter as spring break... and the come here and bother us retailers...
[Apr 9,2004 2:13pm - Abbath ""]

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