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A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms

[Nov 25,2009 11:07am - arktouros ""]
wtf? no thread about this album?


their other releases aren't great (13th step is okay) but i've enjoyed this ever since i saw them with NIN 10 years ago.

[Nov 25,2009 11:09am - ouchdrummer ""]
ummmmm...... you're crazy john. 13th step is fucking wonderful too, if you give it the chance. And yeah, i've been obsessed with this record since I got the leak of it online. (which was about 3 weeks before that NIN/APC show in Worcester, that if i remember correctly was your first show.)
[Nov 25,2009 11:09am - pam ""]
Never liked this band.
[Nov 25,2009 11:10am - ouchdrummer ""]
that's because you have no soul
[Nov 25,2009 11:11am - dreadkill ""]
great band. great record.
[Nov 25,2009 11:12am - aril  ""]

pam said:Never liked this band.

I only like a select few songs. I prefer older tool to this. Personally I thought this album was way overrated.
[Nov 25,2009 11:13am - ouchdrummer ""]
[Nov 25,2009 11:13am - ouchdrummer ""]
(caps means i'm seriouz!)
[Nov 25,2009 11:15am - arktouros ""]

ouchdrummer said:ummmmm...... you're crazy john. 13th step is fucking wonderful too, if you give it the chance. And yeah, i've been obsessed with this record since I got the leak of it online. (which was about 3 weeks before that NIN/APC show in Worcester, that if i remember correctly was your first show.)

I like 13th step, listened to it a lot when it came out. It has some standout songs but I find myself still listening to this one... and hell yes that was my first show.
[Nov 25,2009 11:16am - arktouros ""]

ouchdrummer said:STOP COMPARING IT TO TOOL!!!!

[Nov 25,2009 11:16am - aril  ""]
not comparing. it's a relevant mention considering Maynard made this band. Otherwise they'd be another run of the mill late 90s band that was played on the radio and faded away into oblivion.
[Nov 25,2009 11:18am - ouchdrummer ""]
Now keep in mind that i HATE lyrics. I hate them in almost every band i listen to, because usually the emotions that i feel when i listen to music are way more cool than the bullshit lyrics the vocalist associated with it. The lyrics on the 13th step are all about the twelve step program and how it effects your life and those around you. Good stuff.
[Nov 25,2009 11:20am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hate bands that sing in French!
[Nov 25,2009 11:23am - aril  ""]

ouchdrummer said:Now keep in mind that i HATE lyrics. I hate them in almost every band i listen to, because usually the emotions that i feel when i listen to music are way more cool than the bullshit lyrics the vocalist associated with it. The lyrics on the 13th step are all about the twelve step program and how it effects your life and those around you. Good stuff.

generally my take on most metal bands, but for other typesof music I find lyrical content powerful. Especially in folk rock.
[Nov 25,2009 11:23am - sinistas ""]
Love this album, huge influence on my writing.
[Nov 25,2009 11:26am - blendermethodnli  ""]
I fuckin love A Perfect Circle. I'm also a huge Josh Freese (drums) fan. It's abnoxious how many albums he's played on. Suicidal Tendencies-Art Of Rebellion and Infectious Grooves-Sarssippius Ark to name a couple...
[Nov 25,2009 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
appreeshed. 13th step is excellent hangover record
[Nov 25,2009 11:28am - aril  ""]
you guys are all queeahs.
[Nov 25,2009 11:29am - goatcatalyst ""]
You gotta go bringin that goddamn Infectiphibian into this?!?

Whip kraaaaaaaame!!!
[Nov 25,2009 11:42am - Blender_Method ""]
Aladdin Sarsippius Sulemenagic Jackson the third
[Nov 25,2009 11:48am - goatcatalyst ""]
He sang for Aqueduct Pocket
[Nov 25,2009 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
shit band
shit music
boring live
[Nov 25,2009 11:52am - MikeOv trolling as MikeOv  ""]
Meh, I thought the acoustic version of Three Libras was pretty cool. Other than that, I have no real opinion of APC.
[Nov 25,2009 11:53am - xanonymousx ""]
that show was ten years ago?
[Nov 25,2009 11:56am - aril  ""]
3 libras is indeed the most powerful song on this record.
[Nov 25,2009 11:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

blendermethodnli said:I fuckin love A Perfect Circle. I'm also a huge Josh Freese (drums) fan. It's abnoxious how many albums he's played on. Suicidal Tendencies-Art Of Rebellion and Infectious Grooves-Sarssippius Ark to name a couple...

Huh - didn't know that was that guy. Right on. (Still not really into this, but yay metal trivia.)
[Nov 25,2009 12:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]
he also was the studio drummer for the indigo girls, he's the full time drummer for the vandels, he was one of the drummers in Devo, he played drums of the first evanesence record, the list goes on and on. He's one of my fav drummers of all time.
[Nov 25,2009 12:09pm - arktouros ""]
He played with NIN for a while too.
[Nov 25,2009 12:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I have two different issues of modern drummer with him on the cover.
[Nov 25,2009 12:12pm - aril  ""]
being a professionally admired musician must be a great life. sigh.
[Nov 25,2009 12:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Nov 25,2009 12:15pm - aril  ""]
[Nov 25,2009 12:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
..more practice....
[Nov 25,2009 12:18pm - aril  ""]
watching videos of 6 year old virtuosos on any instrument is quite discouraging.
[Nov 25,2009 12:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i have a rule against watching those.
[Nov 25,2009 12:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ouchdrummer said:i have a rule against watching those.

You still on that predator list?
[Nov 25,2009 12:20pm - arktouros ""]
hahaha..yeah he's a great drummer that got his start in good bands, he has a professional reputation, he's old, and he knows people, and he gets the shits from mexican food. U CAN 2
[Nov 25,2009 12:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SM: 101
[Nov 25,2009 12:23pm - aril  ""]
Let me just say that this band had a lot of balls covering Lennon, and I wish they hadn't done so, despite it being a depressing song.
[Nov 25,2009 12:55pm - hidden user  ""]
Oestes is my favorite track on this record. I had a girlfriend that liked it. She killed herself about 5 years ago and now everytime I hear this record, I think of her. I have all the other records but can't get into them because I have no memory attached to them.
[Nov 25,2009 12:57pm - OH BOXXY  ""]
[Nov 25,2009 12:57pm - aril  ""]
well that sucks dude.
[Nov 25,2009 1:03pm - arktouros ""]

pam said:Never liked this band.

Go watch Gerard Butler's abs woman!
[Nov 25,2009 1:04pm - hidden user  ""]
I will say though i love how ominous they made imagine sound. They made it seem like there is no hope. Fuck it...there ain't
[Nov 25,2009 1:07pm - the_reverend ""]
saw themm with nin in 2002. sucked.
[Nov 25,2009 1:09pm - reimroc ""]
rev is just hating everything today.
[Nov 25,2009 1:18pm - sinistas ""]
Their cover of Imagine is awesome, IMO. They completely sucked all the life out of it.
[Nov 25,2009 1:26pm - the_reverend ""]

reimroc said:rev is just hating everything today.
this post is the sound of one man sucking.
[Nov 25,2009 1:28pm - reimroc ""]
[Nov 25,2009 2:55pm - blue ""]
I think tool is gayer than AIDS, but this CD isn't that bad.
[Nov 25,2009 3:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

blue said:I think tool is gayer than AIDS

please clarify your reasoning for curiousity purposes.
[Nov 25,2009 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
fully backed, this album is awesome. i was just listening to it the other day.
[Nov 25,2009 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
[Nov 25,2009 3:25pm - Sacreligion ""]
This album is better than anything anyone on here has ever even thought about.
[Nov 25,2009 3:46pm - Robin Baskins  ""]
Yea ok. Just stop posting here like you said you were gonna.
[Nov 25,2009 3:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
31 flavors of OH SNAP
[Nov 25,2009 4:16pm - narkybark ""]
posting to dispense band unappresh
[Nov 25,2009 4:54pm - mOe ""]
Freese is the fucking man. His sound on this record is fucking perfect.
[Nov 25,2009 5:06pm - immortal13 ""]
Love this album and 13th Step. Anyone have a link to this one?
[Nov 25,2009 9:44pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 28,2009 5:56am - Sacreligion ""]

Robin%20Baskins said:Yea ok. Just stop posting here like you said you were gonna.

sacreligion said:just saying that my presence in these parts will be greatly diminished.

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