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[Apr 8,2004 10:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
8pm All Ages $5


All Asia Cafe
334 Mass Ave
Central Sq
Cambridge, MA

a night of grind, noise, doom, black, thrash and hardcore squeezed into 3 bands
[Apr 8,2004 10:57am - pessimist @ work  ""]
i'm there
[Apr 8,2004 10:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
There is a parking garage behind all asia, if you park there have mark at the bar stamp your voucher and the parking is only 3 bucks, ALSO, meter parking is free after 7, and there is a free lot near the middle east, which is only like a block away, so if its nice out take the walk you lazy assholes
[Apr 8,2004 12:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AND! Bill's Bar won't be having a heavy show, so you all have no where else to go, and the show will be over before 11, so you can still catch the majority of aaron's radio show.

[Apr 8,2004 2:43pm - phantos ""]
I think me and Nate and Shadley are coming to drink all your alcohol.
[Apr 8,2004 2:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
that would be awesome, come down the night before and stay through monday.
You can stay with Nick Kevorkian, he would love the company
[Apr 10,2004 12:57am - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
if you need one more band, hook The Taste Of Silver up. We love to rock and live the next town over from Cambridge! www.thetasteofsilver.com

basically we're all about playing as many shows as we can.
[Apr 10,2004 2:51am - phantos ""]
me rikey.
[Apr 10,2004 8:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Nick Kevorkian is in the hospital, but sounds like everything is going to be okay, but they might not be playing that night, if they can't one of the 14 other weymouth bands will replace them.
[Apr 12,2004 2:39pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Show ist tonight.
[Apr 12,2004 2:50pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
We aren't playing anymore. It sucks, but I'll be there anyway.
[Apr 12,2004 2:59pm - assuck ""]
who's playing now?
[Apr 12,2004 3:00pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Why aren't you playing? Is anyone taking KA's place?
[Apr 12,2004 3:09pm - abhorred ""]
im gonna be there....

jager anyone???
[Apr 12,2004 4:19pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Nick has a lung infection and is coughing up blood. Continued Without a Finding is playing.
[Apr 12,2004 5:00pm - Bestial Onslaught  ""]
I'll be there! I hope more people come out than last show there a few weeks back! Sucks it'll be over by 11 though :-p... Drinks at the Model afterwards perhaps...
[Apr 12,2004 5:05pm - Brad ""]
what time is Hirudinea getting there and are we still sharing drums? you bring cymbals, we bring drums?
[Apr 12,2004 5:31pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Brad, we are bringing everything. You guys are welcome to use anything of ours. Can Jay use your amp again? We'll be there around 8:30 I think.
[Apr 12,2004 5:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
if only I could drive...
[Apr 12,2004 8:00pm - phantos ""]
up with this. I aint gonna be there, but I wanna be!
[Apr 13,2004 1:45am - Pat Meebles  ""]
It was a good show. The piano man and the rock group The highway before and after the show were horrible. At least I got my General Gau's.
[Apr 13,2004 2:37am - phantos ""]
hey. I hope it went well...
but somebody email me an update on Nick.
I give a shit.
[Apr 13,2004 11:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the show was kind of a disaster and I demand that everyone find highway's website and terrorize their guestbook
[Apr 13,2004 2:30pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I cant believe that gay band Highway. Worst shit I've ever heard. Other than us not getting to play, and Highway, I had a good night. The short amount I saw of CWAF was great, and Noosebomb was killer as usual. The bar afterwards was fun too.

Joe and Mark, did you guys make it home ok? We didn't know where you went.
[Apr 13,2004 2:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
we made it home eventually, we ended up in some town called belmont, but eventually found our way back.
[Apr 13,2004 3:22pm - Brad ""]
Nick is doing well.
After all, he survived flat rat!

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