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Life of Agony in NJ

[Nov 22,2009 8:48pm - pam ""]
Anyone going to this? Want to?

I have 2 tickets and my ride just had to bail so I guess I won't be going, anyone need tickets? If I can't figure something out in the next day or so I'm just going to try and sell them.

[Nov 23,2009 1:02am - grizloch ""]
ITT: pam doesn't miss anything
[Nov 23,2009 10:22am - halliburton  ""]
gay band
[Nov 23,2009 12:45pm - grizloch ""]
sweet band who should have quit about 15 years ago
[Nov 24,2009 11:32am - pam ""]
They're on ebay now, the show sold out...so hopefully that means I don't get to miss the show AND eat the tickets. FML.
[Nov 24,2009 2:48pm - josh_hates_you ""]
meh. seen this band too many times to warrant the drive to NJ for them. If they promise to play river runs red end to end plus other side of the river, how it would be, lets pretend and plexiglass gate it might be worthwhile.
[Nov 24,2009 2:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]
^ what he said
[Nov 25,2009 10:00am - pam ""]
I've never seen them. Well I've seen them with the dude from Ugly Kid Joe at an Ozzfest or something but that doesn't fucking count.
[Nov 25,2009 10:17am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:I've never seen them. Well I've seen them with the dude from Ugly Kid Joe at an Ozzfest or something but that doesn't fucking count.

haha me too... they played with Drain STH and Anthrax one year. still a good show though.
[Nov 25,2009 10:21am - mcgunk..  ""]
I'll buy one, and drive you.
[Nov 25,2009 10:28am - pam ""]
Going to NJ with a random anonymous person from this website full of dirtbags? Sounds like the beginning of a Dateline special.
[Nov 25,2009 10:29am - mcgunk..  ""]
I'm not random. You know me, paaaamella.
[Nov 25,2009 10:29am - pam ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
pam said:I've never seen them. Well I've seen them with the dude from Ugly Kid Joe at an Ozzfest or something but that doesn't fucking count.

haha me too... they played with Drain STH and Anthrax one year. still a good show though.

The show I missed because I was grounded my entire teenage life was with Drain STH. Hot broads...awful music.

Except the drummer. She had a serious butter face.
[Nov 25,2009 10:32am - mcgunk..  ""]
So Pam, you want the front seat or the trunk? Lolhagahaha
[Nov 25,2009 10:33am - ouchdrummer ""]
is there still a ticket available pam? letmeknow.
[Nov 25,2009 10:35am - pam ""]

ouchdrummer said:is there still a ticket available pam? letmeknow.

If you take me with you! Otherwise NO! NO TICKET FOR YOU!

I dunno, they're on ebay...I'm not sure I can just take them off, can I?
[Nov 25,2009 10:36am - mcgunk..  ""]
your not allowed on this misadventure.
[Nov 25,2009 10:36am - brian_dc ""]
this reminds me, what thread had the composted as LOA videos?

I searched but failed.
[Nov 25,2009 10:38am - ouchdrummer ""]
it's NOT composted sir, it's the "usefulcompostofagony"
[Nov 25,2009 10:38am - brian_dc ""]
ah, ha! thank you, good sir.
[Nov 25,2009 10:38am - ouchdrummer ""]

pam said:
ouchdrummer said:is there still a ticket available pam? letmeknow.

If you take me with you! Otherwise NO! NO TICKET FOR YOU!

I dunno, they're on ebay...I'm not sure I can just take them off, can I?

I dunno about ebay, but i was gonna say we should just ride the ol train down there and get down LOA style.
[Nov 25,2009 10:39am - mcgunk..  ""]
Pam. Free ride. Serious this time. And I'm not anonymous, just lazy to log in.
[Nov 25,2009 10:42am - pam ""]

ouchdrummer said:
pam said:
ouchdrummer said:is there still a ticket available pam? letmeknow.

If you take me with you! Otherwise NO! NO TICKET FOR YOU!

I dunno, they're on ebay...I'm not sure I can just take them off, can I?

I dunno about ebay, but i was gonna say we should just ride the ol train down there and get down LOA style.

What train? I checked all over the place trying to find a bus or train there and came up with dick and squat.
[Nov 25,2009 10:43am - pam ""]

mcgunk.. said:Pam. Free ride. Serious this time. And I'm not anonymous, just lazy to log in.

I always thought you were a fake account.
[Nov 25,2009 10:49am - ouchdrummer ""]
there's definitely greyhounds to NJ, it would probably cost us about 80 round trip each.
When is the show exactly?
[Nov 25,2009 10:50am - pam ""]
Saturday. Greyhounds don't go to that particular city and were about 120 round trip when I looked the other day. I love LOA, but not that much!
[Nov 25,2009 10:53am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'd make the trip down there if I knew my work schedule more than one day in advance. :/
[Nov 25,2009 10:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
ya, no. i guess you're right. Go ahead and sell em. :(
[Nov 25,2009 10:58am - reimroc ""]

pam said:Going to NJ with a random anonymous person from this website full of dirtbags? Sounds like the beginning of a Dateline special.

[Nov 25,2009 10:59am - pam ""]
I think the closest you could get for Amtrak was NEWARK. Nooooooooooothanks.
[Nov 25,2009 11:00am - pam ""]

reimroc said:
pam said:Going to NJ with a random anonymous person from this website full of dirtbags? Sounds like the beginning of a Dateline special.


Hey yourself. You assholes know I love you.
[Nov 25,2009 11:00am - ouchdrummer ""]

reimroc said:
pam said:Going to NJ with a random anonymous person from this website full of dirtbags? Sounds like the beginning of a Dateline special.


Don't take this the wrong way buddy, but aren't you an admitted recovering junkie? I know i am.
[Nov 25,2009 11:01am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If these tickets aren't sold by Friday, I'm willing to try getting Saturday off of work and driving down, Pam.
[Nov 25,2009 11:01am - ouchdrummer ""]
DAMN IT. why don't i have a car :(
[Nov 25,2009 11:03am - reimroc ""]

ouchdrummer said:
reimroc said:
pam said:Going to NJ with a random anonymous person from this website full of dirtbags? Sounds like the beginning of a Dateline special.


Don't take this the wrong way buddy, but aren't you an admitted recovering junkie? I know i am.

True. But that doesn't mean we're bad people. We may have done stupid things to get drugs but that doesn't change who we are. I know you're a chill dude.
[Nov 25,2009 11:05am - ouchdrummer ""]
sure..... but i always think of myself and my buddies on here as the creme de la creme of the site...
[Nov 25,2009 11:07am - pam ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:If these tickets aren't sold by Friday, I'm willing to try getting Saturday off of work and driving down, Pam.

That would rule.

Jim- I assume the same reason I don't have a car...BROKE.
[Nov 25,2009 11:09am - pam ""]

reimroc said:
True. But that doesn't mean we're bad people. We may have done stupid things to get drugs but that doesn't change who we are. I know you're a chill dude.

Shit happens. You still doing well?
[Nov 25,2009 11:09am - reimroc ""]

ouchdrummer said:sure..... but i always think of myself and my buddies on here as the creme de la creme of the site...

top of the line.
[Nov 25,2009 11:10am - ouchdrummer ""]
bottom of the barrel.
[Nov 25,2009 11:10am - ouchdrummer ""]
tears of a clown.
[Nov 25,2009 11:18am - reimroc ""]
[Nov 25,2009 7:52pm - pam ""]
Tickets sold. Some jerk will enjoy them. I'm going to go put on River Runs Red and feel sorry for myself.
[Nov 25,2009 7:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pam i'm sure they'll come back around here and you'll get to see them. i predict a tour with Faith No More next year.
[Nov 26,2009 11:54am - pam ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:pam i'm sure they'll come back around here and you'll get to see them. i predict a tour with Faith No More next year.

Roddy Bottum said on his twitter that US dates were in the works a couple of weeks ago.

Words can't even explain how fucking excited to see them again I am.

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