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[Apr 7,2004 4:14pm - davyp ""]
Just a simple suggestion, but when i scroll down the main discussion page and i want to go to the next page i have to then scroll all the way back up to the top to get to page 2 and so on.. I just think that maybe there should be a link at the bottom of the page also... again this is just a suggestion and if it does not please you i can continue to scroll up and down, as i and so many other have for so long.. thanks:NEWHORNS:
[Apr 7,2004 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
lazy lazy.
there used to be a "next" button down there.
I wonder what happened to it.
[Apr 7,2004 5:11pm - succubus ""]
i think the next thing for you to enhance is on my site...well, i should say, i would love if you would! the comment review thingy
[Apr 7,2004 5:11pm - succubus ""]
i forgot to say
[Apr 7,2004 5:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
He will do it if you help him fight cancer
[Apr 7,2004 5:21pm - dreadkill ""]
i am good at fighting gingivitis
[Apr 7,2004 5:24pm - succubus ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:He will do it if you help him fight cancer

hah! it was supposed to be one of my bday gifts but were have both been really busy and i haven't asked him in a while..so i figured i'd mention it..

ps: how do you fight gingavitis?are you studying to be a dentist?
[Apr 8,2004 8:45am - davyp ""]
Yes im lazy, or is that i like internet efficiency.... Im not sure.... and how do you fight gingavitis, i suspect brushing your teeth and flossing helps
[Apr 8,2004 8:51am - succubus ""]
well duhhhh....but i suspect dreadkill was going to be more original in his reply and some us his wit
[Apr 8,2004 8:57am - davyp ""]
yes but he hasn't...
[Apr 8,2004 8:58am - succubus ""]
i thought that's why we were bumping this?
[Apr 8,2004 9:03am - davyp ""]
Well yeah, kind of, and i just wanted to let people know that im lazy, but a witty reply from dreadkill would be nice, or dumb, or funny, i guess all we can do is wait. or just start talking about absolutly nothing that this thread is about... Like kittens, or liposuction, i dont know...... ahhh im at work and going crazy......
[Apr 8,2004 9:06am - succubus ""]
liposuction scares me

i'm at work too, was here till almost 11pm last night...i told everyone off, i am so sick of this...but i'm not quitting until i find something else

i am sick of hypocrites here at work, my boss is barely here anymore and she said half jokingly for me to work this holiday weekend because i have SO MUCH work because the people who programmed my stuff fucked it up and it's full of bugs...i'm not staying late tonight, that's for sure

man i'm in a pissy mood
[Apr 8,2004 9:06am - succubus ""]
sorry but i need to vent about it
[Apr 8,2004 9:15am - davyp ""]
hey no prob.... im hear to listen.... what do you do... computer shit... cool... I adjust claims for the biggest Auto insurace company in Mass, that fucking sucks.. I speak to every dumb fuck in the state on a daily bassis and i have to pay them for stupid accident they get themselves into.. some are cool people but most are absolutly fucking retarted....
[Apr 8,2004 9:16am - succubus ""]
great they make us dial in to a meeting and the manager isn't there..so we wait and wait...and finally after leaving messages on their cell phone...someone finds someone who spoke to them and the meeting was cancelled...supposedly the manager is coming here.

someone else flipped out too and then i had to add some comments too

this is lame...
[Apr 8,2004 9:20am - succubus ""]
davyp said:hey no prob.... im hear to listen.... what do you do... computer shit... cool... I adjust claims for the biggest Auto insurace company in Mass, that fucking sucks.. I speak to every dumb fuck in the state on a daily bassis and i have to pay them for stupid accident they get themselves into.. some are cool people but most are absolutly fucking retarted....

yeah computer SHIT is key =)

oh i can imagine dealing with them...I bet they are mostly jackasses...when dealing with people over the phone, isn't it funny (and you have to laugh so you don't get pissed off)...funny how you realize people are quite stupid for the most part...and those people calling you must be all pissed off about their accident and act like dicks over the phone too....ugh..sorry you gotta deal with that

when dealing with people like that, i always like to think "yeah, that's why you're rude to me...because in your real life you are a big loser and you don't have a life, so you gotta treat me like crap over the phone to make yourself feel better"...

that helps a little

[Apr 8,2004 9:29am - davyp ""]
thats how i think about it too... I just hate it cause most of the time they treat me like its thee fault they got in their car and decided to rear end someone at 30 mph and I have to fix it for them... yeah right.. Im here so i can afford my car, my house and rock and roll habbits.... and for the sweet med and dental bennies. (ha ha ha)....

god i wish i was a rock star... as we all do
[Apr 8,2004 10:15am - succubus ""]
yeah it's a good attitude to have...both bosses just waltzed in...nice life...

as for the rock star comment...it's fun being treated like one too..
[Apr 8,2004 10:17am - davyp ""]
it always the dream...... some day
[Apr 8,2004 10:20am - Josh_hates_you ""]
so dave um about that rock star thing and um you know, actually making it happen?? i am playing tonight with shane(that weird jazzy rock thing) tomorrow is the GF day off, saturday you are going to les mis :whipper: and sunday is some jesus related festivity
[Apr 8,2004 10:23am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
that sucks, carina. if you find a better job, let me know. it's getting like that over here too.

work sucks.
[Apr 8,2004 10:29am - davyp ""]
oh be quite Kelly.... you love your job.... Ha ha ha ha.......

and josh yeah it looks like this is a bad week for jamming, are we going to jam next week some time, have you come up with idea for that yet.....

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