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"New" Dissector CD coming out on Morbid Massakre Records

[Nov 12,2009 2:57am - Mike_Giallo ""]
Yup, freshly reunited Dissector is releasing a cd of previously recorded material that never got released. It'll be a pro Cd-r release and if it sells well it'll be pressed to vinyl.

Tracklist is

--recorded for a split that never happened--
1. Cadaverous Constipation
2. Texas Fucksaw Massacre
3. Testikill
4. Revenge of the Scabbyman/Venereal Warts (Impetigo cover)
--old songs from before our full length--
5. Undeadicated
6. Turkey Vampire Rampage
7. The Leper of Marjorie Road
--recorded for no reason--
8. The Blood Code
9. Psycho Killer (English Dogs cover)

Keeping with the Zombies Ate My Neighbors theme of all our releases it'll be called "Revenge of Dr. Tongue"
[Nov 12,2009 12:48pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Aaaah nobody caring, now it's like the good ol' days
[Nov 12,2009 3:32pm - DDrummer_0  ""]
hey Mike, anyway I can get any of the tracks from ...Ate My Neighbors? im missing that cd
[Nov 12,2009 6:49pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
No. That CD never happened.
[Nov 12,2009 6:58pm - DDrummer_0  ""]
never happened? that cd was fucking great
[Nov 12,2009 7:35pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
That cd was awful. If you liked that did you buy Zombie Panic? You'll see why Dissector Ate My Neighbors sucks in comparison
[Nov 12,2009 7:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

DISSECTOR - Zombie Panic CD in stock, buy it!
[Nov 12,2009 8:29pm - DDrummer_0  ""]
ive heard everything off zombie panic and it is good but ..ate my neighbors was very influential for me, you know who this is right?
[Nov 12,2009 9:57pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Yeah I know who you are Kyle H. Thanks man.
[Nov 12,2009 9:58pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
And buy from Dwyer until I can get paypal working. Or buy from Obscenity Cult, that works too since that was our labhel
[Nov 12,2009 10:11pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
[Nov 15,2009 11:20pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Unfortunately, we gotta find another label to release this. Morbid Massakre refuses to print our cover because they're too PC.

Anybody know a label they can point us to send some stuff to?

This was the artwork they refused to print
[Nov 15,2009 11:29pm - RichHorror ""]
I still don't see what's so offensive and un-PC about that cover. It's pretty tame in comparison to a lot of the album art I've seen.
[Nov 15,2009 11:32pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I know, now we gotta start shopping around to new labels.
[Nov 16,2009 12:13am - Mike_Giallo ""]
This sucks, I hate shopping for labels.
[Nov 25,2009 1:02pm - CHARLIEINFECTION ""]
the artwork is cool ... whats the big deal with refusing to print it ??? what a wuss-bag !!
[Nov 25,2009 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
agreed. and charlie would probably turn and band down if their cover art wasnt voilent enough.
[Nov 25,2009 2:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 25,2009 6:10pm - archaeon ""]
You should probably just change the artwork because it sucks anyways.
[Nov 25,2009 6:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 25,2009 7:06pm - the_reverend ""]
dissector only uses artwork from their highschool yearbooks.
[Dec 9,2009 4:16pm - CHARLIEINFECTION ""]
I say the sicker the artwork the better !!!!!! take a look at some of my releases !! some next ones will be even sicker !!!!!

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