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Horror films

[Oct 30,2009 2:09pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
It's october what's in the dvd player?

tonight I picked up the burrowers which is the descent set in the wild west
and Inside, awesome french horror about a typical home invasion only there's a pyscho who wants a baby and is trying to kill the pregnant bitch to steal the baby out of the womb
[Oct 30,2009 2:14pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Inside is fucking awesome. Check out Martyrs, another awesome French film.

I'm thinking of watching all the Re-Animators tomorrow as well as a Belgian film called Calvaire that I've owned for over a year and never watched.
[Oct 30,2009 2:16pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Also, I saw gueillermo del toro's Mimic a few weeks ago and it was awesome, I've always loved his style, his camera angles and just the way he sets up a scene are awesome. If you get the chance watch any of his "making of" segments on his dvds, guy puts so much detail into everything

If you saw hellboy 2, the whole scene in the troll market under the bridge only showed 10 percent of what he actually built/had going on there.
[Oct 30,2009 2:40pm - narkybark ""]
he has the best creature designs. I loved the forest elemental in that movie
[Oct 30,2009 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just watch Day of the Dead for the first time. boring.
[Oct 30,2009 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
well the end was cool
[Oct 30,2009 2:48pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:just watch Day of the Dead for the first time. boring.

it was more of a political movie that's why, all his movies were social commentary, that was the most...preachy I guess

Bub was the only cool part
[Oct 30,2009 2:51pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

narkybark said:he has the best creature designs. I loved the forest elemental in that movie

yeah he has this strict motto of only using cgi when he can't use animatronics, puppets, or people in costume. Which I appreciate more than anything, I hate cgi when it is used unwisely.

And so it goes that I am excited beyond hell that he is doing the hobbit, and i hope that he actually makes gollum a man rather than green screen.

and not to mention he will add his tinge of horror love to the two movies, which will make them even more badass and will most likely mean the wargs and spiders will stay in, as well ad Beorn being badass
[Oct 30,2009 3:00pm - narkybark ""]
I don't care if something is CGI as long as it's believable in the world it's in. Pretty much all that means is, be textured/lit correctly, and don't ruin physics. I thought CGI Gollum was fantastic and would have no prob if they kept him that way.
[Oct 30,2009 3:01pm - narkybark ""]
that being said, using real people/puppets eliminates all problems with lighting/textures/physics automatically, so unless you have some skill you'd better keep them that way
[Oct 30,2009 3:16pm - Yeti ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:just watch Day of the Dead for the first time. boring.

really? that is my top in the "of the Dead" movies. i absolutely love it.

in my DVD player are Halloween 3, From Hell, Return of the Living Dead.
[Oct 30,2009 3:19pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Please destroy Halloween 3 before wasting an hour and a half of your life.
[Oct 30,2009 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
BITE YOUR TONGUE, HERETIC! you really don't like that movie? that is one of my all time favorites.
[Oct 30,2009 3:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:
FuckIsMySignature said:just watch Day of the Dead for the first time. boring.

really? that is my top in the "of the Dead" movies. i absolutely love it.

in my DVD player are Halloween 3, From Hell, Return of the Living Dead.

i was expecting something else. but hey i see what he was going for.
[Oct 30,2009 3:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
You must hate the rest of the Halloween movies then. It has nothing to do with that series at all...unless I have the wrong number...in which case I'd feel like a horsebutt.
[Oct 30,2009 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
haha no i love the Michael Myers ones too. i just pretend its called "Season of the Witch", which in itself is a completely irrelevant title.
[Oct 30,2009 3:27pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, I guess that works. I didn't really like it at all either way.
[Oct 30,2009 3:29pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:You must hate the rest of the Halloween movies then. It has nothing to do with that series at all...unless I have the wrong number...in which case I'd feel like a horsebutt.

what they aimed for was a different story every year but they were retarded and made two based on michael two years in a row so when they made the third one everyone expected michael myers

basically they were all supposed to be different stories every year, but mikey caught on and part 3 failed big time so they just stuck to mike myers
[Oct 30,2009 3:32pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yeah I knew the back story on it. Still doesn't make it a good movie unfortunately, haha.
[Oct 30,2009 4:34pm - thuringwethil ""]


Calvaire is FUCKED, Mark.
[Oct 30,2009 4:40pm - reimroc ""]
I watched Braindead and Dead Alive last night. I watched The Body Snatcher and The Man They Could Not Hang (two great karloff films) today. I will probably watch zombi tonight. I haven't touched Lucio Fulci in a while so maybe I will watch zombi.
[Oct 30,2009 4:44pm - thuringwethil ""]
I really liked Martyrs, and Inside is a masterpiece of survivalist hell.

High Tension was ruined by its dumb ending.


[Oct 30,2009 6:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I can't wait to watch Calvaire. I bought it blindly so I'm glad it's going to ruke. I need to watch Irreversible too; I've had it since spring time, haha. Also hope I can see Anti-Christ before it's out of theatres.
[Oct 30,2009 6:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
1 more day til Halloween, Halloween, Halloween... 1 more day til Halloween. Sil-verrrr Shamrock!

Fuckin' love Season of the Witch! I'm with you, Yeti.

Phantasm 1 and 2 get a lot of play around this time. I'm pissed Anti-Christ isn't playing anywhere near me.

My recommendation for a movie you've likely never heard of: Malabimba

NOTHING will have prepared you
[Oct 30,2009 6:48pm - largefreakatzero ""]

reimroc said:I watched Braindead and Dead Alive last night. I watched The Body Snatcher and The Man They Could Not Hang (two great karloff films) today. I will probably watch zombi tonight. I haven't touched Lucio Fulci in a while so maybe I will watch zombi.

Dead alive fucking rules - lawnmower scene FTW.

I saw you mentioned Braindead and thought of Brain Damage which is another warped beauty - "it's just Aylmer's tuuuune!"
[Oct 30,2009 9:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm too cool and retro for DVDs. I only watch VHS!
[Oct 30,2009 10:26pm - reimroc ""]

swamplorddvm said:I'm too cool and retro for DVDs. I only watch VHS!

My whole Godzilla collection is on VHS except for everything after Godzilla2000.
[Oct 30,2009 10:49pm - KPANZER  ""]
The original 'Nosfearatu' directed by Mirnau.
Passolini's 'Salo'-I don't give a fuck what you think, this is a horror film
The original Universal studios'Frankenstein', 'Dracula' and 'Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde' starring Fredrich March.
Every film ever made by HAMMER FILMS
The A.I.P. adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe storiers starring Vincent Price
Anything with Ingrid(FAP!FAP!FAP!FAP!) Pitt
[Oct 30,2009 10:58pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
hellraiser 1,2 and 3
the Dawn of the Dead remake
Blood Diner
the Descent
[Oct 30,2009 11:08pm - reimroc ""]
+1 to KPANZER for Hammer Films. They are SO GOOD.
[Oct 31,2009 8:34am - SkinSandwich ""]
Day of the Dead. Oh yeah. Cannot have Halloween without Bub and company. Fuckin' A! Biggest piece of meat in the cave!!!
[Nov 1,2009 7:53am - BlackoutRick ""]
Last ten minutes of Day of the Dead = best gore ever. Fact.
[Nov 1,2009 9:30am - SkinSandwich ""]

BlackoutRick said:Last ten minutes of Day of the Dead = best gore ever. Fact.

Damn straight! I like when the stenches grab one of the military guys by his eyelid and rip it off over his head. Sick as hell.
[Nov 1,2009 9:32am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I like when the Army guy punches the woman

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