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ATTN: Death/grind demo nerds

[Oct 26,2009 5:45pm - Ryan_M ""]
I have been on a little Terrorizer kick lately and am currently obsessed with trying to find their first demo titled "Nightmares". I have visited several death/grind/crust blogs and it seems no one on the internet has uploaded this yet. I have been able to find their untitled 1987 demo and their split rehearsal with Nausea but no luck with "Nightmares".

Does this demo really exist? Encyclopedia Metallum's discography on the band lists it, and supposedly there is a bootleg vinyl that is a split featuring the Nightmares demo with another group called Azagthoth, which I am also unable to find online.

If anyone has mp3s of this demo, or knows a website that has a link to to download it, I'd be extremely thankful if you could send me an e-mail and help me out!
[Oct 26,2009 5:56pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
wow, my name is also Ryan M and i also love Terrorizer... strange.
[Oct 26,2009 5:59pm - Murph MAST  ""]
[Oct 26,2009 5:59pm - Murph MAST  ""]
supposedly it's on this site
[Oct 26,2009 5:59pm - Ryan_M ""]
Haha small world ain't it???
[Oct 26,2009 6:03pm - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
[Oct 26,2009 6:06pm - Ryan_M ""]
Murph - no luck with the site you posted; that one only has Darker Days Ahead (which I haven't heard but I've heard is quite poor) . Thanks for trying though, I appreciate the help!
[Oct 26,2009 6:16pm - Murph MAST  ""]
shitty, I couldn't check it out on this comp, but its Google Blog listing said it had all the Terrorizer stuff, including (by name) that split with Azagthoth.

Sorry, man, good luck. I love searching for obscure records.
[Nov 26,2009 3:04pm - RyMal nli  ""]
UPDATE: Just in case anyone gives a shit; I did manage to finally find a rip of this demo. Here's the link:

[Nov 26,2009 5:18pm - dertoxia ""]
i give a shit
[Nov 26,2009 7:28pm - blehhhh  ""]

here ya go

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