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URGEHAL post a new track,"Dødelagt" , to the myspace

[Oct 23,2009 1:34pm - the_reverend ""]

source: bwbk
[Oct 23,2009 1:36pm - Pires ""]
This band is so good.
[Oct 23,2009 1:40pm - Nocuous_Fumes ""]
[Oct 23,2009 1:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
weren't they supposed to come around here soon? or was that a rumor?
[Oct 23,2009 2:18pm - Pires ""]
That was back in sept. I guess they skipped the Boston date and just went to NYC. At least that was according to the ultra, super official social networking site, myspace.
[Oct 23,2009 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
True Norwegian Black Metallers URGEHAL will see their new album released on Season of Mist's Underground Activists on November 16th. Get a foretaste now by downloading the "Dødelagt" song!

1. Stesolid Self-Destruction To Damnation
2. Dødelagt
3. Cut Their Tongue Shut Their Prayer
4. The Necessity Of Total Genocide
5. Kniven Rider Dypt I Natt
6. Astral Projection To Rabid Hell
7. Approaching Doom
8. Holocaust In Utopia
9. Sopor Necrosanctus

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