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I'm sure you will all love this.

[Oct 17,2009 8:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]

...or maybe not.:ralphie:
[Oct 17,2009 9:25pm - the_reverend ""]
way to embed and why the fuck arent you at vitus?
[Oct 17,2009 9:48pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Because I had to work till 6:30 and have no ride. and the last train to woosta left at 6pm. the next train will arrive at midnight.
[Oct 17,2009 9:54pm - the_reverend ""]

[Oct 17,2009 9:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Now it's no surprise! bah. very well then.
[Oct 18,2009 9:08am - BlackoutRick ""]
HAHAHAHAHA! That video is awesome.

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