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Anyone need a tape duplicator?

[Oct 16,2009 4:14pm - xmikex ""]
We were cleaning out a storage room at work and came across an audio cassette duplicator. It has 3 record decks, but one of them isn't working. My supervisor said to dump it, but I said I'd hang onto it for a few to see if anyone I knew wanted/needed/felt like laughing at it.
[Oct 16,2009 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
how much?
[Oct 16,2009 4:40pm - BlackMetalElitist  ""]
I just went from 6 to midnight.
[Oct 16,2009 7:24pm - vesgoreNLI  ""]
i might be very interested, however transaction would involve shipping
[Oct 18,2009 10:16am - ronofthedead ""]
I might be interested as well. I can probably fix the deck that isn't working.
[Oct 20,2009 12:08pm - xmikex ""]
Totally forgot about this thread. I'll say $10 or best/least pain in the ass offer.
[Oct 20,2009 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
could have used this a year ago when we were givin out demo tapes.
[Oct 20,2009 2:59pm - sli sli sli  ""]
YO, where is this located??
i still make demo tapes
how big is it? i got a station wagon and i would seriously be interested
[Oct 20,2009 3:03pm - xmikex ""]
It's located under my desk at work in the south end. It's about the size of a small suitcase. It's in a black hard case.
[Oct 20,2009 4:20pm - sli sli sli  ""]
oh, i was imagining some sort of ancient UNIVAC sort of thing
don't you guise practice in the n. beacon street space?
[Oct 20,2009 5:53pm - gslice  ""]
give it to crushing cassettes or you're a pussy who doesn't like rich horror's holiday release
[Oct 21,2009 8:53am - ronofthedead ""]
If Sli doesn't take it let me know.
[Oct 21,2009 9:06am - xmikex ""]

sli%20sli%20sli said:oh, i was imagining some sort of ancient UNIVAC sort of thing
don't you guise practice in the n. beacon street space?

I could definitely bring it there if you're into buying it.
[Oct 21,2009 9:07am - xmikex ""]

ronofthedead said:If Sli doesn't take it let me know.

Hey I tried to reply to your message but it wouldn't let me for whatever reason. I'll let you know dude.
[Oct 21,2009 9:12am - C.dEad  ""]
Give/sell it to sli slar as we practice down the hall from you guys.
[Oct 21,2009 9:29am - aril  ""]
Nigga I posted first
[Oct 21,2009 9:43am - xmikex ""]
That's true.
[Oct 21,2009 9:47am - arilliusbm ""]
give it to sli, I guess i'll drop out.
[Oct 21,2009 9:50am - reimroc ""]
I would but tapes make my backing vocals sound like someones stepping on my nuts.
[Oct 21,2009 9:50am - xmikex ""]
For all I know sli is an Aril troll and you're engineering a bidding war with yourself.
[Oct 21,2009 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
you really think i'd waste my time doing that kind of stuff? i only troll when it really matters
[Oct 21,2009 2:34pm - sli sli sli  ""]
hahahaha this is marcus from panzerbastard/blessedoffal/deathgod blah blah blah
if you bring it to n beacon i will totally buy that shit for ten bucks + whatever you think is fair for your trouble/beer/handjobs
[Oct 21,2009 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
just make sure tony doesn't pull a sword on you when he sees you doing tihs
[Oct 21,2009 2:53pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
i got a demo from hyeo over the summer. it took me a month to have something to play it on
[Oct 21,2009 4:13pm - sli sli sli  ""]

arilliusbm said:just make sure tony doesn't pull a sword on you when he sees you doing tihs

tony would make a great pirate,
...with hepatitis
[Oct 21,2009 4:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
I love how Tony's got like 3 TVs on and somehow manages to watch all of them at once
[Oct 21,2009 4:28pm - C.dEad  ""]
Hep T is cool, he's just insane. He used to be the most awful human being when we first got the space, but he got alot cooler since he stopped doing every drug under the sun. Luckily I am on his good side and has helped us out many times.
[Oct 21,2009 4:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I have spent entirely too many minutes of my life talking to that man. But the trees were decent.
[Oct 21,2009 6:10pm - sli sli sli  ""]
mike, when you see this, email me @ trifixion00@aol.com

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