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Apparently everyone on facebook freakout today

[Oct 16,2009 10:42am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
It was as if another 9/11 happened, or there was a big foot sighting nearby, everyone's status was the same, literally...

they all freaked out because it was snowing...


It's new england get used to it
[Oct 16,2009 10:43am - arilliusbm ""]
And that my friend, is why social networking is the demise of human civilization.
[Oct 16,2009 10:45am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:And that my friend, is why social networking is the demise of human civilization.
not to defend social networking sites or anything, but those people would be freaking out about the snow with or without Facebook....difference is they'd only be annoying people around them instead of the whole Internet
[Oct 16,2009 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]

RustyPS said:not to defend social networking sites or anything, but those people would be freaking out about the snow with or without Facebook....difference is they'd only be annoying people around them instead of the whole Internet

And that my friend, is why our generation fails and will ultimately lead to the demise of human civilization
[Oct 16,2009 10:50am - boblovesmusic ""]
haha! I must admit I was a tad shocked about the snow, can't say I was expecting it, but oh well!
[Oct 16,2009 10:51am - Martins ""]
It's definitely a little early for snow. Caused by humans or not, climate change is real.
[Oct 16,2009 10:53am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:
RustyPS said:not to defend social networking sites or anything, but those people would be freaking out about the snow with or without Facebook....difference is they'd only be annoying people around them instead of the whole Internet

And that my friend, is why our generation fails and will ultimately lead to the demise of human civilization

that's better
[Oct 16,2009 10:54am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Well if they were ever right, the farmers' almanac predicts catastrophic snowstorms and temperatures never seen before
[Oct 16,2009 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]

Martins said: Caused by humans or not, climate change is real.

Obviously, ICE AGES? What's that? Not talking about your favorite movie here. They just happen.. every so often.
[Oct 16,2009 10:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Temperature's gonna warm up, then ultimately go into a deep freeze. It's quite funny that they just built a massive storage vault in the north pole to store non-hybridized seeds.
[Oct 16,2009 11:03am - Martins ""]
Lol, never seen Ice Age.

Yeah, I've heard about the storage vault but, apparently, if the snow caps melt, it will be completely under water.

And obviously I meant climate change NOW, not lol cilatmte cdahnge neva happen b4!! wut dis?
[Oct 16,2009 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
damn, i was hoping this was going to say "apparently everyone on Facebook died today". i can't wait until we find out that climate change has nothing to do with humans, its just the continuing natural cycle.
[Oct 16,2009 1:02pm - Archaeon ""]
This was equal to the taylor swift/kanye west thing
[Oct 16,2009 1:15pm - LPCustom  ""]
I really just laughed out loud about this post. I went onto Facebook first and just went through like 140-150 posts all the same and thought I was the only one who noticed this! "Snow - WTF!?!" - "What the F Snow!?" - "Are you F-ing me Snow!?!"
[Oct 16,2009 1:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Oct 16,2009 2:30pm - shitwidget  ""]
That says more about your friends (and by extension, you) than about facebook.
[Oct 16,2009 2:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Oct 16,2009 2:53pm - LPCustom  ""]

shitwidget said:That says more about your friends (and by extension, you) than about facebook.

Epic - you must've attended at least two weeks of a psych class at a Community College before dropping out because you already knew everything. Right on.
[Oct 16,2009 2:59pm - shitwidget  ""]

LPCustom said:Waaah, waah, waaaaah.
[Oct 16,2009 3:02pm - LPCustom  ""]

shitwidget said:I'm a total faggot who tries to run my mouth and fails, so rather than admit it I act like a retard to compensate for not having a comeback.
[Oct 16,2009 3:59pm - NLI  ""]
[Oct 18,2009 7:42pm - gslice  ""]

Martins said:Lol, never seen Ice Age.

you should, I laughed... then came

...then cried
[Oct 18,2009 11:41pm - Ass Rapist Trainee (Junior Grade)  ""]

arilliusbm said:And that my friend, is why social networking is the demise of human civilization.

No, I'd like another FASCINATING quiz plz.
[Oct 19,2009 4:13am - douchebag_patrol ""]




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