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When did the new devourment come out if it has already?

[Oct 10,2009 11:04am - SkinSandwich ""]
I am out of the loop. Thanks.
[Oct 10,2009 11:23am - Pires ""]
A while ago actually. It's ok. Nothing great. Worth listening to though.
[Oct 10,2009 11:45am - SkinSandwich ""]
Cool mang, thanks.
[Oct 10,2009 11:46am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Unleash the Carnivore? Came out around late May / early June, right after MDF.
[Oct 11,2009 6:41pm - barbeloh  ""]
it's ok, doesn't measure up to their old stuff.
On the other hand if anybody else had put it out they'd probably be hailed as the saviors of Wigger Slam.

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