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ATTN: blue, rbass, narky, ect.

[Sep 18,2009 11:41am - tramplethweak ""]
i have an ampeg b2re head rated at 450W @ 4 ohms, 250W @ 8 ohms and a gk 1x15 cab rated for 200W. i have a very basic knowledge of amps and was wondering what would be a good match for another cab. ive been looking on craigslist for a 4x10 but im not sure what wattage i would need to have it fit this rig.
[Sep 18,2009 12:14pm - narkybark ""]
I use an Ampeg SVT-410HLF which is a 4x10 rated at 500w, 4ohms, and have been pretty happy with it (except for lugging the thing around). I don't think you'd be able to use the 1x15 with it, though (not 100% sure on that).
[Sep 18,2009 12:15pm - Martins ""]
If it's not cranked all the way up, you should be fine with the 1x15.
[Sep 18,2009 12:16pm - Martins ""]
It would still be safe to get a higher rated cab.
[Sep 18,2009 12:18pm - rbss  ""]
I use a 2x10 and 1x15 handmade by a company called Dr Bass. They are great cabs. They are both 8 ohm cabs so together they are 4 ohms and I get the maximum output from my amp. What is the ohmage of your GK?
[Sep 18,2009 1:01pm - blue ""]
The 1x15 should probably go.
[Sep 18,2009 2:14pm - trampletheweak  ""]
ill check on the 1x15

the person who owned it before me used it with a hartke 1x15 and 4x10 so i thought it would be ok. i found an ampeg 4x10 rated at 500W on craigslist, would this be the best match?
[Oct 5,2009 1:04pm - trampletheweak  ""]
this is all my gear, I wanted to make sure I wasn't over powering/under powering my cabs

cabs-4x10 cab handles 400 watts and my 1x15 handles 200 watts

head-ampeg br2e head is rated at 450W at 4 ohms, 250W at 8 ohms
[Oct 5,2009 2:21pm - blue ""]
What are the impedances on the cabs? Me thinks you need higher power/matched cabs.
[Oct 5,2009 4:32pm - tramplethweak ""]
the 4x10 is at 8 ohms and the 1x15 is at 4 ohms
[Oct 5,2009 7:38pm - blue ""]
I'd pick up a 1x15 that runs at 8 ohms and can handle around the same wattage as the 4x10. That way you'll be running the head at full power into cabs that can handle it.
[Oct 5,2009 11:29pm - trampletheweak  ""]
ill look around for one, thanks for the advice!
[Oct 5,2009 11:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh yeah? Well I use an ampeg b2-5 X 23 /2re Ultra head rated at 350W of 50 mega tons @ 4 ohms, 250W = MC 2 @ the outer rim at 88 ohms and an EMP of 56.0025 megahetrz compliant with 56-D/5 OMGZ and 54 LULZ with a gk 16x1,000 cab rated for level 355 warp speed over Quadrant: Alpha Omega.
[Oct 5,2009 11:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I have that but with a cupholder.
[Oct 5,2009 11:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Is it the Strike force ultra cup holder or the series 1 Deathstrike soda sipper?
[Oct 6,2009 7:31am - blue ""]
Deathstrike soda sipper FTW

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