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Its Always Sunny in Philedelphia: The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis

[Sep 18,2009 10:32am - tramplethweak ""]
anybody watch this?
[Sep 18,2009 10:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish... i dont have time to watch tv anymore
[Sep 18,2009 10:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fuck yeah. Instant classic. Psyched they're back.

(LOL @ Frank crashing through the fence.)
[Sep 18,2009 10:40am - aril  ""]
bah, I need to see this.
[Sep 18,2009 10:44am - tramplethweak ""]
great show, every episode is top knotch
[Sep 18,2009 10:52am - oscarct ""]

tramplethweak said:great show, every episode is top knotch
[Sep 18,2009 10:53am - tramplethweak ""]
house! house! house! house!
[Sep 18,2009 10:56am - brian_dc ""]
I love that Frank switched to, "Flush! Flush! Flush! Flush!"
[Sep 18,2009 10:56am - anonymous  ""]
Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life, FTW.
[Sep 18,2009 11:00am - tramplethweak ""]
its part of bird law that you can't have a hummingbird
[Sep 18,2009 12:44pm - oscarct ""]

tramplethweak said:its part of bird law that you can't have a hummingbird

there is no such thing as bird law
[Sep 18,2009 2:18pm - trampletheweak  ""]

oscarct said:
tramplethweak said:its part of bird law that you can't have a hummingbird

there is no such thing as bird law

i challenge you to a duel
[Sep 18,2009 2:29pm - Pires ""]
Great season premiere. I was laughing hard when they destroyed the door in the house.
[Sep 18,2009 2:44pm - oscarct ""]

trampletheweak said:
oscarct said:
tramplethweak said:its part of bird law that you can't have a hummingbird

there is no such thing as bird law

i challenge you to a duel

haha I will shoot you in the the teeth and it will come out the back of your neck.
[Sep 18,2009 3:27pm - RevoPhil  ""]
anyone see the pilot for archer after this? it was pretty much the best 30 minutes of my life
[Sep 18,2009 3:52pm - oscarct ""]

RevoPhil said:anyone see the pilot for archer after this? it was pretty much the best 30 minutes of my life

I watched it. Funny stuff.
[Sep 18,2009 3:56pm - oscarct ""]
just the tip
[Sep 18,2009 3:58pm - xmikex ""]
Love this show. I kind of feel like some of the characters were telegraphing a little in last night's episode. Danny DeVito is a genius though. That guy is so far deep into being Frank Reynolds and a total sonofabitch it's unreal.

Let's go paint your room a color that isn't stupid.
[Sep 18,2009 3:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Would watch.
[Sep 18,2009 7:30pm - Dankill  ""]
This show is like the anti-Seinfeld. A show about nothing that is brutally funny. I wish I had been able to see the live show at House of Blues. I heard it was a riot live.
[Sep 18,2009 8:40pm - timma ""]
Vic Venom is the best persona ever.

[Sep 19,2009 4:37am - SteveSummoned ""]

oscarct said:
trampletheweak said:
oscarct said:
tramplethweak said:its part of bird law that you can't have a hummingbird

there is no such thing as bird law

i challenge you to a duel

haha I will shoot you in the the teeth and it will come out the back of your neck.

Great I needed something to do tomorrow, I'm just gonna pencil you in for tomorrow at high noon "please don't".

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