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Harrison Ford up for Indy 5 but.............

[Sep 14,2009 10:52pm - bizarro ""]
[Sep 14,2009 11:20pm - INDYWAS  ""]
[Sep 15,2009 7:30am - Yeti ""]
i bet that he is only going to have a cameo and its going to become a new franchise based around Shia Leboeuf. ugh.
[Sep 15,2009 7:41am - Martins ""]
Oh god. I hope not. Indiana Jones 1 and 3 are AMAZING.
[Sep 15,2009 7:58am - Yeti ""]
no love for Temple of Doom, my breaking heart.
[Sep 15,2009 8:08am - aril  ""]

Yeti said:no love for Temple of Doom, my breaking heart.
[Sep 15,2009 8:08am - aril  ""]
Yeti don't mind him, he was born in 1997
[Sep 15,2009 9:58am - Martins ""]
Well I was going to finish my thought with but Temple of Doom is still really good but then I realized it was 7:41 and I had to leave for work.
[Sep 15,2009 9:59am - Martins ""]
And, excuse me, I was born in 2001.

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