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Let's take a moment to appreciate Ensiferum..

[Sep 10,2009 4:59pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
Listening to From Afar right now. I need to vanquish something.
[Sep 10,2009 6:01pm - Pires ""]
Band is so good. Can't wait for the Worcester show.
[Sep 10,2009 6:39pm - ArilliusBM ""]
Anything after S/T and when Jari grew an ego = FAIL
[Sep 10,2009 6:46pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
Dragonheads EP was pretty bad and Victory Songs was a little better but the new one is on par with the Jari era stuff. Every song is memorable. Agreed nothing will top the self titled.
[Sep 10,2009 6:49pm - neverpurified ""]

ArilliusBM said:Anything after S/T and when Jari grew an ego = FAIL

Thanks to Jari's ego we now have Wintersun, which is a great album

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