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ATTN: George Bush

[Mar 30,2004 11:38am - RustedAngel ""]
you're a douche.
[Mar 30,2004 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
checks cnn.com to see what more he's done wrong.
[Mar 30,2004 11:57am - The_ExhumeD ""]
[Mar 30,2004 12:01pm - morkul ""]
Fuck cnn.
[Mar 30,2004 12:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
cnn is better than abc/nbc
[Mar 30,2004 12:06pm - morkul ""]
Myself, I watch the Fox news network. Tend to be a little more fair in my opinion. I am not into all that liberal crying crap. I am so sick of their whining. That's just my opinion.
[Mar 30,2004 12:31pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. maybe your fox is different then our fox...
fox out here is just sensationalized crap.
even the simpsons make fun of it.
and if the simpsons make fun of it.. whoah nelly.
[Mar 30,2004 12:36pm - morkul ""]
Well if I had a choice between the two, cnn or fox, I am going to go with fox. I am not saying either is better, but like the election, if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, it would be fox. The simpsons don't make life go around either bro. I mean I love the simpsons too but it is not the gospel or some shit.
[Mar 30,2004 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
the simpsons are gospel.. since the gospel isn't the gospel.

I guess if you want stories with a lot of SHOCKING words with EARTH SHATTERING news reports about garbage collection CRISISes and zooming in and out angles on kitties stuck in trees... well, I guess fox is the best bet. Heck, they do spend a lot of time on pretty animated graphic things.
[Mar 30,2004 12:53pm - morkul ""]
Bro, you and I could probaly go on and on with this topic all day. Let's just agree to disagree,because it's obvious we both feel very strong about this issue,agreed?
[Mar 30,2004 1:45pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
the head of fox is related to george bush and was the first network to say he won even though the counting hadn't been finished
[Mar 30,2004 1:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
when i think of fox, I think cops, and american idol.

when i think of cnn, I think world news.
[Mar 30,2004 6:42pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
so this guy comes into Target yesterday and walks
up to me and says he needs to know where two
things are in the store. first, he says, i need to know
what aisle your weapons of mass destruction are in
so i can send a few to Bush since he can't find 'em
himself. then, he says, i need to know where your
mens socks are. he had me giggling all afternoon.
[Mar 30,2004 7:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
Pop just dropped an email on me, stating that the draft could be in effect as early as Spring 2005. Two bills right now S. 89 http://www.hslda.org/Legislation/National/2003/S89/default.asp and another one entitled H.R. 163. This draft will be significantly harder to dodge since Canada and College are no longer effect answers. If we have a draft, the scene could be decimated and demoralized. WHAT THE FUCK! Fox is owned by Rupert Murdock, a world renowned capitalist with Republican beliefs, he'd be pissed if liberals were viewed rationally on his stations.
[Mar 30,2004 7:57pm - Joe_Shmo ""]
[Mar 30,2004 8:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
Yeah, cause last time I was too young, and now I'm pissed.
[Mar 30,2004 9:09pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i guess i'm excluded 'cos of mental disability
since i get anxiety attacks. i hope that's the
case anyway since i'm in the female age range
for being drafted. assholes.
[Mar 31,2004 1:22am - tbone_r ""]
both bills have been buried in committee since january/february, i wouldn't worry about it too much
[Mar 31,2004 1:37am - BornSoVile ""]
it's an election year, there's lots of things we're not supposed to worry about...
[Mar 31,2004 1:55am - anonymous  ""]
nobody is going to get drafted, believe me, bush may be stupid but his advisors arn't. the last thing he's trying to do at this point is piss people off, and if he started a draft the whole country would be in an uproar, moreso than they are now.
i dont like the bush administration, but they're not stupid, just misguided.
[Mar 31,2004 1:55am - georrrge  ""]
oh that was me by the way.
[Mar 31,2004 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
bush is pretty stupid..
do I have to start posting bush-isms?
[Mar 31,2004 12:51pm - morkul ""]
They're not going to institute a draft. They've been talking about that since clinton was in office. If you remember, because I do. I got scared back in 1992, so don't worry.
[Mar 31,2004 1:22pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
The draft bill was brought up by two liberal democrat senators, who were trying to make a big stink about only the lower class going to war. That is as far as the bill will go, they were only trying to make a point. Kind of a sadistic way to go about it, but that's the way the far left (and far right) works these days.
[Mar 31,2004 8:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
I trust no one.

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