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[Mar 30,2004 11:27am - davyp ""]
[Mar 30,2004 12:02pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
so basiclly your charging bands to have these videos done of them, then making money off the dvds your selling without giving the bands a fraction of the income youll be pulling in on these dvds....sounds like a not so good proposition
[Mar 30,2004 12:04pm - morkul ""]
"Welcome to America".
[Mar 30,2004 12:16pm - davyp ""]
No i would charge them to make the dvd cause it takes my tme and effort to do this and then I would sell the orig to them and only make copies for them and they could make all the money off of them, i would just charge for the work done like one time ony $50-100 depending on the band and show to record and make the dvd... never would i ever think of making money off the bands songs and performance.. Its like recording a record, your telling me you dont understand payment for a service....
[Mar 30,2004 12:17pm - davyp ""]
The_ExhumeD said:so basiclly your charging bands to have these videos done of them, then making money off the dvds your selling without giving the bands a fraction of the income youll be pulling in on these dvds....sounds like a not so good proposition

Not at all
[Mar 30,2004 12:22pm - morkul ""]
I think you should explain it to him so he understands.
[Mar 30,2004 12:36pm - davyp ""]
morkul said:I think you should explain it to him so he understands.

Why? Is that a difficult thing to do? I thought it was pretty self explainatory... this is a cool and cheap deal.... would you want to sell dvd's of your bands at your shows for your price not mine... i dont make any money off of those..... thats there intillectual property and it would be illegal to do so.....
[Mar 30,2004 12:46pm - dreadkill ""]
i think it's a pretty good idea. i'd want to get new songs together and perfect my band's live show before i had any type of dvd made, but i think alot of bands in the area could benefit from this idea. think about how important dvds are becoming to the music industry. everyone is putting them out now because cds don't bring any $ into your band fund. good luck with this production company. sounds good.
[Mar 30,2004 12:51pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
hey davy you forgot to mention i can do a live recording of their show as well

24 track studio that is road ready rack mounted and easily transported
[Mar 30,2004 1:27pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
in your first post you just made it seem like- Ill give the band the orginal, and they can buy copies off me for like 3 or 4 dollars after the 50-100 dollars they spend to make this, while Im still selling the dvds off a website or something... Its a good idea.
[Mar 30,2004 1:43pm - davyp ""]
Josh_hates_you said:hey davy you forgot to mention i can do a live recording of their show as well

24 track studio that is road ready rack mounted and easily transported

Josh i came up w/ the idea the other day and you were in my mind as my sound guy.... so you are not forgotten on this venture... we should talk about it at some point.........
[Mar 30,2004 1:44pm - davyp ""]
The_ExhumeD said:in your first post you just made it seem like- Ill give the band the orginal, and they can buy copies off me for like 3 or 4 dollars after the 50-100 dollars they spend to make this, while Im still selling the dvds off a website or something... Its a good idea.

no prob and thanks for the compliment
[Mar 30,2004 1:44pm - davyp ""]
dreadkill said:i think it's a pretty good idea. i'd want to get new songs together and perfect my band's live show before i had any type of dvd made, but i think alot of bands in the area could benefit from this idea. think about how important dvds are becoming to the music industry. everyone is putting them out now because cds don't bring any $ into your band fund. good luck with this production company. sounds good.

my sentiments exactly
[Mar 30,2004 2:24pm - anonymous  ""]
wow, am i glad the_rev doesn't have that attitude otherwise my band would be screwed
[Mar 30,2004 2:24pm - anonymous  ""]
oh and succubus too :doublehorns:
thanks guys!
[Mar 30,2004 2:32pm - davyp ""]
anonymous said:wow, am i glad the_rev doesn't have that attitude otherwise my band would be screwed

i dont ahve a bad attitude, it cost a lot of money and time to put a dvd together... and was offering a service for a realistic price... and yes thanks to the Rev and Succubus, for the bands that have no otherway to get the pictures taken... I dont think im a bad guy for charging money this is a tough thing to do, and i want to do it for bands who would be interested in making a video or have dvd's made of one of there shows or a conglomeration of shows.... it a good deal
[Mar 30,2004 2:58pm - dreadkill ""]
i think it's a good deal. when the time comes to put together a dvd for my band, i'll probably do it myself because i have experience with interactive media, but for most of the bands who post here, i don't think that price is bad at all. it takes time and effort to put these things together. $50-100 is pretty cheap.
[Mar 30,2004 3:46pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 30,2004 4:03pm - davyp ""]
[Mar 30,2004 4:32pm - anonymous  ""]
$no o$ne sai$d yo$u h$ave a$ b$ad a$ttit$ud$e

but if the reverend thought like that, most of us would be screwed, he drives all around and has a shitload of equipment but doesn't ask for money for his time
[Mar 30,2004 5:07pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
does the rev do it for the bands or his personal site(which we all play on and i know by doing it for the site he does it for the "scene" and bands and everyone involved in heavy music)

i dont recall bands asking rev for his photo services (well maybe they do, i would, he does nice pics but if i asked him to do it for a band to use for a commercial release such as a cd or dvd i would most definately pay him for his time,service,equipment).
[Mar 30,2004 5:33pm - darkone535 ""]
Josh_hates_you said:does the rev do it for the bands or his personal site(which we all play on and i know by doing it for the site he does it for the "scene" and bands and everyone involved in heavy music)

i dont recall bands asking rev for his photo services (well maybe they do, i would, he does nice pics but if i asked him to do it for a band to use for a commercial release such as a cd or dvd i would most definately pay him for his time,service,equipment).

wonderfully said
[Mar 30,2004 5:36pm - darkone535 ""]
This is a sweet deal, i would love to have a copy of my band on DVD....... Ill email you
[Mar 30,2004 5:39pm - succubus ""]
to each his own

i will say that everytime we go out everyone asks him to go to shows and his pics and myne are on a bunch of bands sites too.

as for you not recalling band asking him to take photos...why would that be posted here?
i will reply for me, bands ask me to take photos..local bands don't pay me, they are getting started, i don't expect them too. Now when a major label band asks me to take photos i expect money. Camera equipment is very $$$...and as i say that i have my brand new lense with me...

ps: i'm not attacking anyone in here..sometimes it's hard to tell a person's tone just from typing
[Mar 30,2004 5:42pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
as i said maybe bands do ask for the rev to take photos but mostly it seems it is a labor of love for his site not at a bands request
[Mar 30,2004 5:47pm - succubus ""]
that's true .. if he wouldn't love it..he wouldn't do it
[Mar 30,2004 5:56pm - anonymous  ""]
ok so because he loves it, he doesn't deserve money?
[Mar 30,2004 7:35pm - Dissector  ""]
Fuck that shit. I have a dvd burner and editor. I'd do it for free, just supply the blank dvds.
[Mar 30,2004 9:56pm - blue ""]
our media girl meghann films shows for next to free, if not for free. she can currently only put shows on vhs, but soon enough shell be doing dvds. shes been doing it for 6 years, and dealt with 2 labels. ask joe notcommon about what she can do for your band. check out the site for pictures (boe, rk, conifer) and other services she offers.

[Mar 30,2004 10:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Meghann (ethos productions) made me some sweet Video samplers, which I am already using to help book out of state shows. As well as photgraphs and in the future music videos, live video clips for the website, and possibly DVD and VHS releases.

[Mar 31,2004 12:25am - Josh_hates_you ""]
hmm so dissector has a camera and an editor

meghan has a camera to do videos

most cameras have 1 input for sound and usualy a bilt in shitty ass mic
how do either of these people get good audio quality?? (they dont)

a 24 track studio will make a dvd or vhs sound 10 times better
not to mention over $1000 worth of microphones
synch up the audio to the video

linking up with meghann and ethos productions wouldnt be a bad idea since she does not offer recording services
[Mar 31,2004 12:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If we get a recording from sound boards at the club, meghann can lay that audio over the video, and if we were ever going to do an actual video release that is how we would do it. Even if it won't sound as crystal clear as your studio I wouldn't really care because I know Meghann's dedication is unparalleled.
[Mar 31,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
davyp..why did you edit your post?

[Apr 3,2004 8:56pm - anonymous  ""]
hey, can does your camera have a firewire out on it? i just ordered a powerbook G4 that has imovie and idvd and i have pro tools so if its done rite we could get really good sounding recordings...alot better then that sucky ass metal fest dvd....you cant hear certain parts of certain songs...its like the mic cuts out or something...

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