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has anyone here ever paid a hooker for the sloppy deed?!

[Sep 4,2009 8:49pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Lets get some whores!!!!
[Sep 4,2009 8:51pm - timma ""]
I puked on the sidewalk and paid a hooker to mop it up with her gaping vagina. Does that count as a sloppy deed?
[Sep 4,2009 8:54pm - SkinSandwich ""]

timma said:I puked on the sidewalk and paid a hooker to mop it up with her gaping vagina. Does that count as a sloppy deed?

[Sep 4,2009 8:55pm - timma ""]
She's still in my trunk.
[Sep 4,2009 9:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, that is alright. That is where most women belong anyway. LETS GET SOME CRAIGSLIST WHORES!!!
[Sep 4,2009 9:26pm - aril  ""]
No but I'm so desperate now in thinking about it
[Sep 4,2009 9:27pm - I've never seen so many dead hookers  ""]

Lord knows I have...
[Sep 4,2009 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
were they done dirt cheap?
[Sep 4,2009 9:30pm - MikeOv  ""]
Those dirty deeds? You know it.
[Sep 5,2009 3:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
Paid a whore to sit on a box with a parakeet in it... until it died. I'm not proud of it, though.
[Sep 5,2009 3:52am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

goatcatalyst said:Paid a whore to sit on a box with a parakeet in it... until it died. I'm not proud of it, though.

haha does that count as spelunking?

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