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Bad Day

[Sep 4,2009 12:36pm - succubus ""]
ok so my day started out pretty crappy

~i backed into aaron's car in the drive way. not a mark on my car but i messed up his front bumper :+( it's dented and needs to be popped out...
i <3 aaron and his calm nature: "that's why it's called an accident"
i felt/feel like a jerk

~then i get pulled over by a FEMALE NH state trooper she was on the other side of the highway too...and no words or anything she just gave me a ticket for over $200.00
which i've already pleaded not guilty for and mailed in the thing.

I've NEVER gotten a speeding ticket and she didn't ask for my story until AFTER...and i had a good excuse (7 and a 1/2 month pregnant lady who had to pee and who was sick in her car with napkins to prove it)...she should have cut me some slack and that's what i'll tell the judge.
any advice though?

oh..and i know...things could be worse..
[Sep 4,2009 12:38pm - reimroc ""]
lol it was you who backed into his car?
[Sep 4,2009 12:39pm - brian_dc ""]
ah man...should have told her that the gal was in labor.
[Sep 4,2009 12:40pm - Martins ""]
Female cops?
[Sep 4,2009 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
that's lame that you've never gotten a speeding ticket and she just slapped you with one. i understand, the law is the law, but really, with no driving infractions you're obviously a good driver (or extremely lucky) and they don't have to make an example of you.
[Sep 4,2009 12:43pm - succubus ""]
yes it was me..i was NOT paying attention..and i had to wake him up too..i feel like crap about it and he was so nice about it...

i wanted to say i was having contractions but i was worried that she would force me to go to the hospital..and then what would i have done?

and Yeti, i agree, VERY lame...if it was a dude i'm sure i would have only gotten a warning or a reduced fine at least!
[Sep 4,2009 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]

succubus said:i <3 aaron and his calm nature: "that's why it's called an accident"
i felt/feel like a jerk

I don't remember saying that, but that is so what I would do.
[Sep 4,2009 2:52pm - dreadkill ""]
aaron is the best boyfriend ever. i never should've broken up with him. :(
[Sep 4,2009 3:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]
pregnant what??!!
[Sep 4,2009 3:07pm - brian_dc ""]
wait...yeah...this is news, right?
[Sep 4,2009 3:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]
preggo like whoh??

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