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I want to Fuck Robin Meade.....

[Sep 4,2009 10:59am - SkinSandwich ""]
Where she makes her pees and poops and then crop dust her after I cum on her face.




Little CNN slut.
[Sep 4,2009 11:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
she looks like sandra bullock in the last pic
[Sep 4,2009 11:07am - boblovesmusic ""]
eh, not doing it for me...
[Sep 4,2009 11:16am - SkinSandwich ""]
You would still cum in her ass.
[Sep 4,2009 11:59am - quintessence ""]
Heidi Watney from NESN is way hotter. Boners...hot


[Sep 4,2009 12:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Hurtin for a squirtin!!
[Sep 4,2009 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
i looooooooooooove Heidi Watney, though i do miss Tina Cervasio and her two-cock mouth.
[Sep 4,2009 1:12pm - aril  ""]
Hahahahhah. Heidi needs to be a model and not a sports girl. A few sox have dated her.. Nick green tried and failed
[Sep 4,2009 1:20pm - quintessence ""]
I'm sure shes a huge slut in the locker room.
[Sep 4,2009 1:21pm - aril  ""]
the rumor was that one of the main reasons why varitek had the divorce last year was that he was screwing kathryn tappen (bruins blonde girl)
[Sep 4,2009 1:23pm - SkinSandwich ""]

quintessence said:Heidi Watney from NESN is way hotter. Boners...hot



I would anal her with my massive member.
[Sep 4,2009 1:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Heidi Watney > Sandra CNN Slut
[Sep 4,2009 1:29pm - aril  ""]
NESN only hires attractive women now. I guess that's why they've got Dennis Eck these days
[Sep 4,2009 2:16pm - RustyPS ""]

aril said:the rumor was that one of the main reasons why varitek had the divorce last year was that he was screwing kathryn tappen (bruins blonde girl)
I thought he was banging Watney, not Tappen...although, he's probably bagged them both
[Sep 4,2009 2:30pm - aril  ""]
at first I heard it was watney, then I heard it was Tappen. either way, i'll give props to the C... even though they should rip that off his shirt now and give it to youk
[Sep 4,2009 2:44pm - RustyPS ""]
nah, he deserves the C just for his pussy magnetism skills
[Sep 4,2009 2:57pm - zyklon ""]
I'd fuck the shit out of her
[Sep 4,2009 2:58pm - tyler nli  ""]

RustyPS said:
aril said:the rumor was that one of the main reasons why varitek had the divorce last year was that he was screwing kathryn tappen (bruins blonde girl)
I thought he was banging Watney, not Tappen...although, he's probably bagged them both

yeah i heard it was watney also. i also work with a dude who's son's best friend is chief of security at fenway park and he says the reason they traded arroyo (for wily mo pena, pretty lopsided trade that wasnt even talked about til it happened) was because manny was fucking arroyo's wife. :spineyes:

anyway, everyone fails for not mentioning hazel mae
[Sep 4,2009 3:00pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I love Maes' huge chest ferrets.
[Sep 4,2009 3:01pm - tyler nli  ""]
ill always have a special spot in my boner for hazel mae cause of the morningwood factor when i would watch nesn sportsdesk before high school every day
[Sep 4,2009 3:05pm - RustyPS ""]

tyler%20nli said:
RustyPS said:
aril said:the rumor was that one of the main reasons why varitek had the divorce last year was that he was screwing kathryn tappen (bruins blonde girl)
I thought he was banging Watney, not Tappen...although, he's probably bagged them both

yeah i heard it was watney also. i also work with a dude who's son's best friend is chief of security at fenway park and he says the reason they traded arroyo (for wily mo pena, pretty lopsided trade that wasnt even talked about til it happened) was because manny was fucking arroyo's wife. :spineyes:

anyway, everyone fails for not mentioning hazel mae

more player on player infidelity rumors....from what I heard, the reason they didn't resign Orlando Cabrera after the first WS win in 2004 was he was banging a teammate's wife, either Tek's or Keith Foulke's
[Sep 4,2009 3:08pm - aril  ""]
My friend is a security guard there and told me this crap. The players all fuck crazy amounts of women except papi supposedly. Orlando cabrera fucked foulkes wife
[Sep 4,2009 3:11pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Sep 4,2009 3:36pm - tylor ""]
haha my friend who read the book about the cowboys in the early 90s, boys will be boys, said that they all would fuck each other's wives, irvin mostly
[Sep 4,2009 5:16pm - RustyPS ""]

tylor said:haha my friend who read the book about the cowboys in the early 90s, boys will be boys, said that they all would fuck each other's wives, irvin mostly
I also heard that the book says Charles Haley used to wack off during team meetings on a regular basis
[Sep 4,2009 8:56pm - Dankill  ""]
Another rumor I heard was that Kevin Miller got traded because he was bangin Hazel Mae.
[Sep 4,2009 8:59pm - timma ""]

Dankill said:Another rumor I heard was that Kevin Miller got traded because he was bangin Hazel Mae.

I'm fairly certain the only female Kevin Millar has ever banged is his sister.
[Sep 4,2009 9:51pm - ArilliusBM ""]

timma said:
Dankill said:Another rumor I heard was that Kevin Miller got traded because he was bangin Hazel Mae.

I'm fairly certain the only female Kevin Millar has ever banged is his sister.

hahaha, yea right. every 35 year old uneducated woman in massachusetts wanted to bang that dude.
[Sep 4,2009 10:35pm - Dankill  ""]

ArilliusBM said:
timma said:
Dankill said:Another rumor I heard was that Kevin Miller got traded because he was bangin Hazel Mae.

I'm fairly certain the only female Kevin Millar has ever banged is his sister.

hahaha, yea right. every 35 year old uneducated woman in massachusetts wanted to bang that dude.

It's true. I question the rumor mainly because I always saw Hazel as more of a hockey whore.
[Sep 4,2009 10:50pm - ArilliusBM ""]
anyone that fucked hazel mae = A+
[Sep 5,2009 12:04am - wow retards  ""]
that last pic is marisa tomei
[Sep 5,2009 10:00am - Ass Bandit  ""]

tyler%20nli said:anyway, everyone fails for not mentioning hazel mae

[Sep 5,2009 11:34am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Rumors, rumors, rumors.

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