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I miss Rampage :(

[Aug 31,2009 11:48am - SkinSandwich ""]
And all the old classic games.

Nostalgia bitches!
[Aug 31,2009 11:48am - aril  ""]
rampage is one of the best games ever
[Aug 31,2009 11:49am - SkinSandwich ""]
Damn straight. just straight, simplistic destruction.


[Aug 31,2009 11:50am - dreadkill ""]
i loved that game
[Aug 31,2009 11:51am - W3 nli  ""]
yeah Animal Rampage was a good fucking band
[Aug 31,2009 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
if you miss it so much, why not play it?
[Aug 31,2009 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
oh man Rampage: World Tour rules. did you ever play the newer PS2 one? i thought it was awesome. it expanded everything so well, and there are like 30 characters to choose from.
[Aug 31,2009 1:28pm - xmikex ""]
Yeah, great game, but how many times did I need to smash Baton Rouge before it stayed smashed? Infinite game was infinitely frustrating.
[Aug 31,2009 2:16pm - SkinSandwich ""]

xmikex said:Yeah, great game, but how many times did I need to smash Baton Rouge before it stayed smashed? Infinite game was infinitely frustrating.

I dunno, ask Hurricane Katrina.
[Aug 31,2009 2:19pm - xmikex ""]
[Aug 31,2009 2:30pm - timma ""]

xmikex said:Infinite game was infinitely frustrating.

Speaking of which, Duck Hunt for NES? Super fun, but infinitely infinite?
[Aug 31,2009 5:15pm - TRUCK_BALLS ""]

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