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bass player looking for black metal band

[Aug 29,2009 2:45pm - pestilence ""]
bass player looking to join/form black metal band. 26 years old. have pro gear and have been playing for a long time. looking for more of a pro. recording/touring oriented band. ages 24-30ish in or around nashua nh/ lowell mass. area.

transportation of some kind
good working gear
a place to practice would be great

some influences include: darkthrone, mayhem, emperor, wolves in the throne room, burzum, hellhammer, shining, venom, carpathian forest, naer mataron, immortal, skitliv, dodsferd, aura noir, ect....the list could go on and on.
[Aug 29,2009 2:53pm - DYA W/ MATCH MADE IN HELL  ""]
Jim will be contacting you shortly, I predict.
[Aug 29,2009 8:43pm - speed kills  ""]
would you be interested in a blackened death metal band? we have all the things you listed and are in the same area.. if you are interested post an email address and i will send you a track coming from our debut album that has not been released yet (pro recording)
[Aug 29,2009 9:44pm - aril  ""]
I am Jim. I want to contact you asap.
[Aug 29,2009 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
your name is jim? wow... 1/2 the people on this board are named jim, james, jimmyjam, jimbo, etc... an the people who arent named one of those really like the band james and their song laid. maybe you didnt know this, but she only cums when she's on top.
[Aug 29,2009 10:11pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Who cares if she cums at all?

[Aug 30,2009 1:54am - pestilence ""]
yeah, that might work out. i DO like death and thrash(alot of other stuff actually) other than black metal. my contact stuff is below. it should also be posted under my rttp profile. also, what's the band's name?

[Aug 30,2009 2:21am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Aug 30,2009 12:19pm - ultimate hater  ""]
i don't have or know how to use facebook (sorry)
and for myspace, you only accept messages from friends and do not accept friend requests from bands. how about you send me an email tprez000 AT yahoo DOT com
[Aug 30,2009 12:19pm - speed kills  ""]
^^ same person
[Aug 30,2009 12:33pm - TRUCK_BALLS ""]
[Aug 30,2009 11:37pm - In Jail  ""]
?? Im not in a band.

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