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Xbox 360 Error E74 Unappreesh

[Aug 24,2009 9:51pm - Timma ""]
So for the second fucking time in 2 years, I go to turn on my 360 to relax and play some games and I get the single red light E74 error.

I've looked up some info on fixes, but there is simply no way I'm going to try opening the box or wrapping it in towels until it overheats on purpose.

My fucking NES from the 80s still works like a charm, yet I can't get Microsoft to replace my $300 console for one that won't shit the bed. Not to mention, Microsoft won't pay for the shipping of the console anymore.

Eat a dick. :middlefinger:
[Aug 24,2009 10:19pm - xanonymousx ""]
get the new ps3 slim for $300 instead
[Aug 24,2009 10:45pm - Pires ""]
I'm fucking dreading the day this happens to mine.
[Aug 24,2009 10:59pm - SteveSummoned ""]
My 360 keeps freezing and is no longer playable. They said the 3 year warranty only qualifies for hardware failures but really isn't my 360 freezing a hardware failure? In one way or another it has to be. They want to charge me $99.99 to have the thing fixed. I think I might just switch over to PS3 when I get some money.

Ohh also the failure rate on the XBox 360 at 54.2% while PS3 is 10.6% and the Wii is 6.8%

[Aug 25,2009 3:21am - Sacreligion ""]
The newest system that I use is a SNES and I am completely content with it.
[Aug 25,2009 6:42am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
PocketNester on a Palm Treo Pro FTW
[Aug 25,2009 6:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Also FYI for about 4 years my G4 has had one freezing error and in 2 years my Windows Vista Dell has crashed dozens of times, including twice this week.

Food for thought.
[Aug 25,2009 7:30am - reimroc ""]
This is why I play PC games. Every game that I want to play on the 360 I can play on my PC and with better graphics.

[Aug 25,2009 7:34am - Martins ""]
Microsoft knows about the 50% failure rate of the XBox 360.
[Aug 25,2009 7:41am - Timma ""]
and evidently do not give a fuck it would appear.
[Aug 25,2009 9:15am - RustyPS ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Also FYI for about 4 years my G4 has had one freezing error and in 2 years my Windows Vista Dell has crashed dozens of times, including twice this week.

Food for thought.

well......Dells are shitty

also food for thought
[Aug 25,2009 9:22am - dontlivefastjustdie ""]

Sacreligion said:The newest system that I use is a SNES and I am completely content with it.
[Aug 25,2009 9:37am - martinswork  ""]
SNES is easily the best console of all time because it had the best games of all time. My only problem with it is the controller. Don't own one though.
[Aug 25,2009 9:39am - brian_dc ""]
it takes 2 weeks
[Aug 25,2009 10:20am - timma ""]
Any idea how much it costs to ship a 360? Gotta be like $50 after insurance or something.

Just read that it can sometimes because by the A/V Cable--and i noticed that I don't get the error if my A/V cable is unplugged. Interesting.
[Aug 25,2009 10:45am - C.dEaD  ""]
I got the RROD on Saturday. Did the towel trick. Worked.
[Aug 25,2009 10:52am - XmikeX ""]
So I was contemplating on buying a 360. I'm well aware of the massive failure rate, but I was under the impression that Microsoft was replacing everything no problem. Is this not the case?
[Aug 25,2009 10:57am - C.dEaD  ""]
Just make sure you get a brand NEW console as they already took care of this problem in the new models.
[Aug 25,2009 11:00am - arilliusbm ""]
funny, i don't remember having any errors like this on my NES, Genesis, SNES, or gameboy.
Oh wait, that's right. Those are the real systems, not a pseudo-computer.
[Aug 25,2009 11:07am - timma ""]

XmikeX said:So I was contemplating on buying a 360. I'm well aware of the massive failure rate, but I was under the impression that Microsoft was replacing everything no problem. Is this not the case?

They extended the warranty to 3 years, BUT its only for RROD or the single-light E74 error. AND they used to pay for the shipping both ways and don't anymore...cheap fucks.
[Aug 25,2009 11:14am - Pires ""]

XmikeX said:So I was contemplating on buying a 360. I'm well aware of the massive failure rate, but I was under the impression that Microsoft was replacing everything no problem. Is this not the case?

if you buy a brand new console from the store, you'll be fine. They realized what was wrong and fixed it. Don't buy a used system from gamestop and you'll be fine.
[Aug 25,2009 12:17pm - xanonymousx ""]
or just buy a ps3 for $300
[Aug 25,2009 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
definitely go with a brand new 360. no matter the failure rate, its still better than PS3.
[Aug 25,2009 6:52pm - Dildo Scumbaggins  ""]
the failure rate is higher on the xbox for one reason....because the play rate is friggin insane. more people sit on the xbox for 5-10 hours a day. nobody does that on any other system. so yah, they will shit out. lol.

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