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[Aug 18,2009 9:22pm - Hoser ""]


[Aug 18,2009 9:52pm - retreat!retreat!  ""]
[Aug 18,2009 9:54pm - Archaeon ""]
holy shit did you just embed?
[Aug 18,2009 10:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
he does not approve of this song
[Aug 18,2009 11:02pm - diamond dusted  ""]
so THIS is why deathcore is better than death metal!
it's all so clear now
[Aug 18,2009 11:23pm - RustyPS ""]
"I'm with it, I'm hip....tuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatucka huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"

[Aug 19,2009 7:27am - Dankill  ""]
Blame Columbus, Ohio.
[Aug 19,2009 7:46am - Timma ""]
Apparently a requirement for Crabcore is that your lip syncing must be way the fuck off in your music video.
[Aug 19,2009 12:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL @ that blonde chick's face at 1:14 in the OP video. Even she can't believe what douches these guys are.
[Aug 19,2009 1:19pm - The_Rooster ""]
Wow. I shut it off before it got to that sweet Radio Disney part the 1st time around.

Thank god you posted this again.

I'm going to go put a fucking shotgun in my mouth now.
[Aug 20,2009 8:46am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think there was a sale on black v-neck shirts around the time they filmed that video.
[Aug 20,2009 8:57am - MikeOv  ""]
I bet my roommate would dig this, seriously haha.
[Aug 20,2009 9:11am - The_Rooster ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I think there was a sale on black v-neck shirts around the time they filmed that video.


[Aug 20,2009 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
I can't wait for the SNL jeopardy to stop playing so I can watch this again.
[Aug 20,2009 10:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
There needs to be an RTTP lulz fest with these guys, Saints to Sinners, Brokencyde, whatever keytar crap that Goratory guy is doing, and all our other favorites. Maybe 13 Winters.
[Aug 20,2009 11:11am - timma ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:There needs to be an RTTP lulz fest with these guys, Saints to Sinners, Brokencyde, whatever keytar crap that Goratory guy is doing, and all our other favorites. Maybe 13 Winters.

Can Wretched Asylum headline?
[Aug 20,2009 12:23pm - kilgore ""]
why is there auto-tune being used at the end?
[Aug 20,2009 1:42pm - PatMeebles ""]

kilgore said:why is there auto-tune being used at the end?

Because record companies wanted to capitalize on the 12-14 year old scene queens of the suburbs. Every bad trend is now compacted into one neatly prepackaged band for your pleasure.
[Aug 20,2009 1:47pm - timma ""]
Really? Well, that was nice of them.
[Aug 20,2009 1:57pm - xanonymousx ""]

crabcore live
[Aug 20,2009 2:31pm - boblovesmusic ""]

xanonymousx said:
crabcore live

I'm confused. In the music video, the guitarist/auto-tuned vocalist has your typical black emo hair. However in this video, he has curly hair (not as good as mine of course)... hmm...
[Aug 20,2009 3:42pm - Alexecutioner ""]
fucking horrible yet hilarious

[Aug 20,2009 3:51pm - Lamp ""]

timma said:
DestroyYouAlot said:There needs to be an RTTP lulz fest with these guys, Saints to Sinners, Brokencyde, whatever keytar crap that Goratory guy is doing, and all our other favorites. Maybe 13 Winters.

Can Wretched Asylum headline?

Don't forget Asystole. And it's gotta be in Maine because... well, you know.
[Aug 20,2009 3:56pm - dertoxia ""]

kilgore said:why is there auto-tune being used at the end?

what do you mean? the whole damn song is auto tuned
[Aug 20,2009 4:18pm - secthammer  ""]
Autotune is actually used waaaaaaaaay more than people think it is...attack attack (god i hate that band name) just uses autotune in a way that it's blatantly obvious, has to be on purpose simply for that "robot voice" effect.

Works for cynic.

Doesn't work for crabfags.
[Aug 20,2009 4:19pm - The_Rooster ""]

secthammer said:Doesn't work for ANYONE.

[Aug 20,2009 4:32pm - afeministwoman  ""]
I love crabs
[Aug 20,2009 11:19pm - CMTAIB ""]

boblovesmusic said:

I'm confused. In the music video, the guitarist/auto-tuned vocalist has your typical black emo hair. However in this video, he has curly hair (not as good as mine of course)... hmm...

i guess he didn't want to straighten his hair.
[Aug 20,2009 11:23pm - MikeOv  ""]
robotic vocals rule when utilized correctly. justin broadrick achieves the effect perfectly. just listen to "dead eyes" for the proof of my claim.
[Aug 21,2009 6:46am - Dankill  ""]

boblovesmusic said:
xanonymousx said:
crabcore live

I'm confused. In the music video, the guitarist/auto-tuned vocalist has your typical black emo hair. However in this video, he has curly hair (not as good as mine of course)... hmm...

I guess there are TWO bands with the same name, only one of them is from the UK. This might be the British one. The crabcore guys are from the good ol' USA. ugghhhh
[Aug 21,2009 7:25am - Martins ""]
Auto-tune ≠ robotic vocals
vocoder = robotic vocals
[Aug 21,2009 10:22am - boblovesmusic ""]
ok I must admit I have this song stuck in my head... It's kinda bad...
[Aug 21,2009 10:37am - Yeti ""]

MikeOv said:robotic vocals rule when utilized correctly. justin broadrick achieves the effect perfectly. just listen to "dead eyes" for the proof of my claim.

to bring the brilliance of Justin Broadrick in to a discussion about crabcore is just wrong man, just wrong.
[Aug 21,2009 10:40am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
meshuggah also makes good use of the robo vox
[Aug 21,2009 10:44am - Yeti ""]
yeah in Catch 33 it sounds awesome.
[Aug 22,2009 9:27am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
greatest video
gayest music
[Aug 22,2009 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
boblovesmusic and i were singing this at a show together last night.
[Aug 22,2009 10:37am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Oct 8,2009 2:28pm - dudegotzdemcrabz  ""]
[Oct 8,2009 2:32pm - dreadkill ""]
what in the blue blazes is crabcore?
[Oct 8,2009 2:35pm - aril  ""]
bands like eyes of noctum that spread their legs far apart in a crab position and then bounce up and down as they headbang
[Oct 8,2009 2:36pm - Sacreligion ""]
It reminds me of the Vamp kids from South Park. They don't want to really headbang because it's bad for your neck.
[Oct 8,2009 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
sounds incredibly gay
[Oct 8,2009 9:21pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Oct 10,2009 4:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Oct 10,2009 5:05pm - Archaeon ""]
Paul Proteus invented Crabcore.
[Oct 10,2009 7:40pm - PANT3RA4EVA  ""]

RustyPS said:"I'm with it, I'm hip....tuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatuckatucka huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"


Man LOL u never heard of the macarana

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