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March 27th in Providence - hardcore at the green room

the Green Room (Providence, RI) - [death_before_dishonor][death_threat][drug_test][guns_up][randomshots][time_to_pay]
[Mar 27,2004 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
death threat, death before dishonor, drug test, guns up, & time to pay
all fun bands.
DBD's first show that I know of since the west-coast tour.
this show will be fun.
[Mar 27,2004 5:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm heading out to this show in about 10 minutes.
[Mar 28,2004 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
forgot to post that I'm back.
pictures will be up shortly
[Mar 28,2004 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
the venue was cool and they played a bunch of good music. dead kennedy's, sheer terror, misfits, and more.

drug test: I haven't seen them for a while even though they are from right near me in NH... I go all the way to rhode island to see them. (much like bsi who I saw like 7x last year, only of of which was in NH). they opened the show. it was a new venue for me and they played a short set (7 songs?) so there aren't too many pictures of them. they seemed not to have much energy until the second to last song where they seemed to get pumped up. then on the last song "down the stairs" they exploded and shook off their nerves or whatever and played awesome for their last song.

guns up: haven't seen them for a little while... another NH band that I go to RI to see. lots of energy there and they have a new demo coming out soon.

time to pay: last show, never seen before. they sounded good though all their songs where like 20-seconds long. some girls on the side kept yelling to see the singers tits. he obliged at the end of their set. I guess they would stay together... if the bass and singer weren't beating each other up the whole set.

death before dishonor: they go out the west coast and come back sounding even better. this band is so tight. just the right mixture of brutal vocals and sing alongs to pull people into the stage. They played a track off the mission-hill comp that is coming out. that track was so good. the riffs in it were old school hc/metal. that comps going to have a bunch of great tracks, 2 orignals and 1 cover from each band (if I got the details right). some big glass window broke too.

deaththreat: they set was good, one continuous sing along. it wasn't as good as the ICC show last month imho. they seemed a little tired or something.
[Mar 28,2004 4:31am - woodsicus ""]
great show tonight..lots of kick ass bands and well worth the ride from NH
[Mar 28,2004 9:10am - theundergroundscene ""]
I wanted to go to this show but I didn't want to drive anywhere last night so I went to see Daughters at the Palladium.

The show was ok, except it was so freaking weird. It went One Dead Three Wounded, moshy hardcore from Philly, then to the most indescribable crap I've ever heard in my life. It was some "band" from Providence called Mahi Mahi, and it was like, something you would expect to see in the 80's, and it was only a drummer and a keyboardist, drummer had a full kit AND a drum machine, keyboardist had his mic attached to a sampler so he sounded like a robot, they both wore all white and the singer had a white Michael Jackson "Thriller" -like leather jacket. Friggin weird. Then A Life Once Lost went on and all was good again... until this band called The Chinese Star went on and freaked everyone out again! Seriously, it was the weird ass 80's music, ugh. Then Daughters went on and played a scorching 30532 song set in 20 minutes.

But yeah, I want to see Death Before Dishonor at some point. Haha some day...
[Mar 28,2004 9:15am - theundergroundscene ""]
Wait, wasn't To The Grave supposed to play too?
[Mar 28,2004 10:08am - woodsicus ""]
Yes they were, I have no Idea why they didn't
[Mar 28,2004 12:59pm - BigMastaJay ""]
awsome show crazy pit all the bands where amazing. 100 demons at the bombshelter tonight should be another kick ass show

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