Who says town hall meetings have to be dull? RAY LYMAN APPREESH![views:1851][posts:1]_______________________________________ [Aug 14,2009 7:55am - thuringwethil ""] bennyhillifier I'm suprised this dude isn't featured on The Soup. Good crazy shit! Makes the "rogue helicopter pilot" speech seem like Aristotlean rhetoric. Scranton PA has a true citizen in its midst! http://www.youtube.com/user/fellowscrantonians for more. :wiggam::satancross::spineyes: |
_____________________________________ [Aug 14,2009 2:29pm - Bill O'Heiny ""] YOU ARE ALL GOING TO FACE GOD & JESUS AND THEN BURN IN HELL! FUCK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!! |