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"Only for Playstation" HD PORN

[Aug 6,2009 10:12pm - stabbedinthehead ""]
Taken from destructoid.com:

"Japan's DDM.tv has porn. Lot's of scrumptious, wholesome porn. It wants Japanese people to have this porn, resplendent in Blu-ray quality and digitally distributed. It also wants that porn on the PS3.

Armed with a broadband connection, an HDMI cable, and a PlayStation 3, horny young males can have access to all the filth that their parents' credit card can afford. Customers will need to browse DDM's Blu-ray site and make the selections first, then it will appear on their PS3's via the magic of the Internet.

Such titles as Yuma Asami and the 100 Masturbaters are up for grabs! I have no idea what the plot of that movie is, but I'm guessing it involves masturbation. Perhaps it's a charming modern take on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves."

taken from andriasang.com

You can view sample of the service at the DMM.TV official site. http://www.dmm.co.jp/tv/bluray/

DMM is apparently so anxious to get subscribers that it's giving away the DMM.TV disc for free. It's even covering the shipping costs!

Interested parties (who should probably be based in Japan) can request the disc via the official site.

[Aug 6,2009 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 7,2009 12:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

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