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Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata Appreciation

[Aug 3,2009 2:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
listening to this now. perhaps one of the most dreary, depressing piano pieces ever written? definitely so.

full of the emotions of desolation, being lost, hopelessness, and such. if the end of the world was happening this very moment, I would flick this on and watch the destruction unfold.
[Aug 3,2009 2:46pm - darkwork  ""]
classical music blows
[Aug 3,2009 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]

darkwork said:classical music blows

sm:10 i HOPE
[Aug 3,2009 2:56pm - Pires ""]
Isn't this the piece of music you have to find in resident evil 1?
[Aug 3,2009 3:00pm - boblovesmusic ""]
at Bennington, the music building was "haunted" by Mrs. Jennings who supposedly hung herself in the main lobby. It is said that she doesn't like Beethoven and thus if you played the Moonlight sonata piano covers would slam and such.
[Aug 3,2009 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
years ago i went with an ex to a performance by the Munich Symphony Orchestra, they had a world-renowned guest conductor who performs Beethoven on rare occasions, he actually did this which was one of like 9 times he has ever done it in his career.
[Aug 3,2009 3:30pm - Zurdo ""]
the third movement is killer
[Aug 3,2009 6:17pm - Martins ""]
[Jun 2,2010 4:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jun 23,2011 3:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
Best movement ever written in the history of music.
The emotion seeps out of the piano with each note. Anyone that disagrees is a false.
[Jun 23,2011 3:52pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
beethoven brings the haunt.
[Jun 23,2011 4:04pm - Shanal ""]
All aces
[Jun 23,2011 4:13pm - ShadowSD ""]
This is the Beethoven piece I really really like, especially the first minute or so. Despite being softer and not like his other more epic/heavier pieces, it was ironically the one really metaly thing Beethoven ever did IMO, in the way it starts with a mood and structure that carriers a calmer and more satisfied consistency than Beethoven's other works and than the general classical/romantic approach of perpetually trying to top one's self with variations in structure often at the expense of developing mood with a greater depth. Beethoven really laid back a lot more and played what he felt when he started to write this one instead of just starting with the mentality of impressing himself and others, and it shows. Getting your heart destroyed by a chick will shift your perspective, that's for sure.

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