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[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jul 31,2009 11:55am - Age_Of_End ""]

(From Trevor - Vocals, UNEARTH)
Unearth to play a 200 cap venue in their old stomping grounds the Merrimack Valley! 

It's been five years or more since we have played a club show in the Merrimack Valley.  We wanted to come back and do it right with a tight stage, small venue and crazy fucking times.  Don't expect for pre-sale links for tickets as this is a walk up only gig, so get there early and support the other bands.    See you in three weeks M.V. for this one time only event! 

Show info:  

Saturday, August 22nd 
South Central Productions presents UNEARTH, with special guests Buckhunter, Shatter This World, and Age of End. 
This is an ALL AGES show, at Anchor's Up, 58 River St. Haverhill Ma. 
$15. 6pm. For details, or ticket info - 


[Jul 31,2009 11:58am - archaeon ""]
This is going to be retarded
[Jul 31,2009 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
dave told me about this last night. crazy.
[Jul 31,2009 12:15pm - joeyumbrella ""]
to make up for the bald guitar players comments on boston sucking for hardcore?

I think yes.... nice publicity stunt
[Jul 31,2009 12:16pm - RichHorror ""]
Nobody from Unearth is qualified or allowed to make any statements about hardcore.
[Jul 31,2009 12:20pm - xanonymousx ""]
wow this is the day before my b-day.
[Jul 31,2009 1:18pm - xgodzillax ""]
put full blown chaos on this show. they need a show on this day in ma
[Jul 31,2009 1:26pm - brian_dc ""]
Awesome idea, Nick. FBC are buddies with some of the Buckhunter guys, I believe. Would be silly to not put them on this.
[Jul 31,2009 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
dave's checking with trever about it.
[Jul 31,2009 1:49pm - aaron_michael ""]
combine the locals who support Anchors Up regularly for large shows with the mall attendees who get dropped off by mommy and daddy, and this is going to be a packed house.
[Jul 31,2009 2:12pm - immortal13 ""]
No way in hell I'm missing this.
[Jul 31,2009 2:13pm - reimroc ""]

aaron_michael said:combine the locals who support Anchors Up regularly for large shows with the mall attendees who get dropped off by mommy and daddy, and this is going to be a packed house.

the mall kids will get their shit pushed in. btw how have you been aaron?
[Aug 1,2009 1:08am - xanonymousx ""]
davestf is the man.
i should give him a call sometime.
[Aug 1,2009 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
he's probably busy with the ladies
[Aug 1,2009 10:28am - blue ""]
Will there be a kensusi.com table there giving away grab bags?
[Aug 1,2009 3:08pm - Age_Of_End ""]
[Aug 1,2009 5:17pm - xgodzillax mobile as fuck  ""]
ray messaged the dudes in unearth and they're seeing what they can do about adding FBC
[Aug 1,2009 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
awesome. the system works!
[Aug 5,2009 3:02am - Age_Of_End ""]
[Aug 5,2009 3:19am - the_reverend ""]
was talking with derek about this show today. I'm psyched.
[Aug 5,2009 8:06am - reim nli  ""]
i always thought unearth was from western mass. i guess i was just too used to seeing all the metalcore bands come from out there.
[Aug 5,2009 9:21am - Age_Of_End ""]
They are from Western Mass, but they used to play the Valley all the time!
[Aug 5,2009 9:27am - Age_Of_End ""]
[Aug 5,2009 9:43am - joeycobra ""]

Age_Of_End said:They are from Western Mass, but they used to play the Valley all the time!

I don't think all of them are from Western, MA. I know Trevor went to Wakefield high.

[Aug 5,2009 9:45am - Age_Of_End ""]
Regardless, I think it's awesome that they're purposely playing such a small venue, and helping out some up and coming locals! Should prove to be an AMAZING night!
[Aug 5,2009 10:36am - xanonymousx ""]
up and coming locals?
buckhunter has been around forever and is a superstar group!
[Aug 5,2009 10:46am - zyklon ""]
Unwho? Never heard of them.
[Aug 5,2009 10:48am - xanonymousx ""]

yes that is nine 4x12's in a vfw hall
[Aug 5,2009 10:48am - xanonymousx ""]
how many cabs will they have at this show?
[Aug 5,2009 3:30pm - Age_Of_End ""]

[Aug 6,2009 12:51am - neverpurified ""]

joeycobra said:
Age_Of_End said:They are from Western Mass, but they used to play the Valley all the time!

I don't think all of them are from Western, MA. I know Trevor went to Wakefield high.

As far as I knew they are all from Eastern MA, Buzz went to Lynn high, and Ken went to Danvers high
[Aug 6,2009 9:02am - Age_Of_End ""]

[Aug 9,2009 11:24pm - Age_Of_End ""]
Full Blown Chaos is Officially on the bill! GOOD WORK!
[Aug 10,2009 6:18am - badsneakers ""]

neverpurified said:
joeycobra said:
Age_Of_End said:They are from Western Mass, but they used to play the Valley all the time!

I don't think all of them are from Western, MA. I know Trevor went to Wakefield high.

As far as I knew they are all from Eastern MA, Buzz went to Lynn high, and Ken went to Danvers high

north shore
[Aug 11,2009 2:14pm - Age_Of_End ""]
[Aug 11,2009 11:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
damn hopefully i can get intouch with peeps and i can get in around 9:30
[Aug 11,2009 11:23pm - xgodzillax ""]
unearth is from the lynn area. fail to all of you
[Aug 11,2009 11:28pm - xanonymousx ""]
ya they are, but they always played in haverhill at exit 23 back in the day. like above the fall of man era.
[Aug 11,2009 11:30pm - Age_Of_End ""]
U.F.I. and exit 23 RIP!
[Aug 11,2009 11:30pm - neverpurified ""]

xgodzillax said:unearth is from the lynn area. fail to all of you

I said something along those lines....
[Aug 11,2009 11:31pm - xgodzillax ""]
ah i remember seeing them play before for god knows who at gilman in 2001/2002. lol
[Aug 11,2009 11:33pm - W3 nli  ""]

Age_Of_End said:exit 23 RIP!

neat my old band Killgrip played there.
[Aug 11,2009 11:36pm - Age_Of_End ""]

W3%20nli said:
Age_Of_End said:exit 23 RIP!

neat my old band Killgrip played there.

Place was fucking Killer! Jeremy had a sweet studio in the basement.
[Aug 12,2009 12:25am - W3 nli  ""]
yeah played there I wanna say twice but never really got there in time to hang out or meet anyone.
[Aug 12,2009 9:18am - Age_Of_End ""]
[Aug 12,2009 9:43am - the_reverend ""]
exit 23 kind of sucked as a venue. excellent shows, but it was just the crappy building. I remember in the 90's going to shows at the coffee house.
[Aug 12,2009 9:47am - Age_Of_End ""]
The beams in the middle of the pit area SUCKED!!! Hahahaha. You coming to the show Reverend??
[Aug 12,2009 9:55am - the_reverend ""]
yes, I believe that I am. I don't think you have to worry too much about this show. Everyone is talking about it. That reminds me though, I'm suppose to send their drummer some pictures of just what the venue looks like.
[Aug 12,2009 12:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Remember what a turd their original drummer was? Derek roolz tho
[Aug 12,2009 2:03pm - Age_of_End ""]

the_reverend said:yes, I believe that I am. I don't think you have to worry too much about this show. Everyone is talking about it. That reminds me though, I'm suppose to send their drummer some pictures of just what the venue looks like.

I've got some pics readily available that you took of an old band of mine there, if you want to fwd those to Derek. This show is going to sell out, SO EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET THERE EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 13,2009 4:34pm - Age_of_End ""]
[Aug 19,2009 2:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
im wearing my kensusi.com tee shirt
[Aug 19,2009 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 20,2009 12:03am - anonymous  ""]
never heard of this place b4 but ill b there i saw unearth in january and got to meet them, great show and great guys
[Aug 20,2009 12:15am - the_reverend ""]
if you haven't been to anchors up, you don't like music. one of the best clubs in the country.
[Aug 20,2009 2:57pm - Age_of_End ""]

the_reverend said:if you haven't been to anchors up, you don't like music. one of the best clubs in the country.

Agreed! And Josh and Mike are the SHIT!
[Aug 20,2009 3:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]

the_reverend said:if you haven't been to anchors up, you don't like music. one of the best clubs in the country.

I second this as well!

What's the likelihood that there'll be tickets/space/whatever at this if I came up at say 7 or 8! haha
[Aug 20,2009 3:07pm - Age_of_End ""]
not very likely, but give it a shot anyway. Who knows. You're prob never going to be able to see this lineup at such a small venue again. ESP not in the Merrimack Valley
[Aug 20,2009 3:07pm - BrianDBB ""]
People are probably already campin out for this
[Aug 21,2009 8:00am - your mom  ""]
[Aug 21,2009 4:07pm - Age_of_End ""]

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